Terms and Conditions  of Use V.11

By using this website, or any mobile applications and other websites (the “Websites”) owned by Bees for Bees Solutions, S.A.P.I. de C.V. (referred to hereinafter as “Bees for Bees“, “we”, or “our”), you expressly accept and agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions contained in these terms and conditions of use, including any other policies or ancillary terms and conditions applicable thereto, including but not limited to the Privacy Policy (as defined below) (such documents collectively referred to hereinafter as, the “Terms and Conditions of Use”). If you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions of Use, please do not use this website, or any mobile application, or other sites property of Bees for Bees, or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. If you have any questions or suggestions, we can assist you, by contacting us at Manuel Caballero #58, Col. Obrera, Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc, Z.C. 06800, Mexico City, United Mexican States (“Mexico”), to the attention of the general direction, or through e-mail at dg@beesbeez.com. For purposes of this Terms and Conditions of Use, the terms “you”, “your” or “User” shall refer to the individual(s) browsing and using the Websites. By the mere fact of you browsing the Websites, such circumstance shall be considered as your express acceptance and consent to be obliged under this Terms and Conditions of Use and applicable law of the United Mexican States. The nature of this Terms and Conditions of Use is of a binding agreement between you as the user(s) of the Websites and Bees for Bees.  

The purpose of this Terms and Conditions of Use is to describe the terms and conditions for your access and use of the Websites. This document is a legally binding agreement between you as the user(s) of the Websites and Bees for Bees, and by using the Websites and Services (as defined below) you expressly agree to be bound to the terms and conditions herein contained.


Section 1.       Defined Terms.

(a) For purposes of this Terms and Conditions of Use the following terms shall have the meaning attributable as follows:


Additional Agreement” shall mean any separate agreement or agreements entered into by Bees for Bees or any affiliate and the User in connection with any of the Services or Logistics Services.


Advisory Services” shall mean the advisory services related to the transportation and logistics without any compromise to organize the physical movement or handling of Products. Such services may be related to, among other, the analysis of costs of supply change and the optimization of transportation and logistics.


Agreement” shall mean the mutual understanding between the User and Bees for Bees regarding the provision of the Services, including the Terms and Conditions of Use, and as applicable, the documents issued by or on behalf of Bees for Bees and any other document negotiated by and executed by the User and Bees for Bees.


Agent” shall mean any Person acting on the name and behalf of a third party.


Ancillary Services” shall mean the secondary services to the primary services of advisory, transportation and logistics.


Authority” shall mean any person or entity legally incorporated, acting within the scope of its legal powers and exercising their jurisdiction within any nation, state, municipality, port or airport.

Bees for Bees”, “we”, or “our” shall mean the reference to Bees for Bees Solutions, S.A.P.I. de C.V., or any other entity hired by Bees for Bees to provide any services in connection with the present Terms and Conditions of Use.


Buyer” shall mean the person or entity that enters into an Online Transaction, by means of which it acquires Products form a Seller through the Website by using the Services.


Container” shall mean any container, flexible tank, trailer, transportable tank, flat container, pallet or any other item sued for the transportation or packaging of merchandise and any other equipment attached to the containers.


Dangerous Products” shall mean the Products that are or may be considered of dangerous nature, flammable, radioactive or harmful, or that may foster vermin or plagues.


“Depository” shall mean Bees for Bees Solutions, S.A.P.I. de C.V., as depository of the funds resulting from the Online Transactions for its contribution to the Trust Agreement.


Direct Representative” shall mean a Person acting in the name and behalf of the importer/exporter, in a manner that the principal (Bees for Bees) shall not be liable in any way for the customs fees, especial taxes, fines, taxes, and interests in connection with the Products being imported or exported.


Fees for Logistics Services” shall mean the consideration for the Services provided by Bees for Bees, through the acceptance of a quote by the User or as established in a fees program or sheet, exhibit or any other similar document.


Indirect Representative” shall mean a representative for custom purposes acting in a capacity such that the principle (Bees for Bees) is jointly liable in any way for the customs fees, especial taxes, fines, taxes, and interests in connection with the Products being imported or exported.


Instructions” shall mean a statement with the specific requirements presented by the Seller.


Logistics Services” shall mean the Ancillary Services, Advisory Services, Custom Services, Transportation Services and/or the Storage Services provided by Bees for Bees to any Logistics Services Client and all other matters and activities related to such.


Products” shall mean any item or items handled by Bees for Bees during the performance of the Logistics Services for or on behalf of the Seller or Buyer.


Mexico” shall mean the United Mexican States.


Online Transactions” shall mean the purchase of products by a Buyer from a Seller, and the hiring online of services in the Websites by Seller or Buyer with Bees for Bee.


Owner” shall mean the Seller that is considered the owner of the Products or any other Person acting on its behalf.


Person” shall mean any person, entity or authority of any nature.


Principal” shall mean any person or entity acting in its own name or behalf.


Privacy Policy” shall mean the privacy policy issued by Bees for Bees from time to time which shall govern the data protection and use of personal data of Users in the possession of Bees for Bees and our affiliates, pursuant to the Federal Law of Personal Data Protection in Possesion of Private Persons (Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares).


Registered User” shall mean a User registered on the Websites to access or use some of the Services.


Seller” shall mean the person or entity, that enters into an Online Transaction, by means of which it sells a Product to a Buyer through the Website, by using the Services.


Services” shall mean the services, software and products through the Websites, as well as the Transaction Services and the Logistics Services, when applicable, provided by Bees for Bees or any subcontractor of Bees for Bees.


Storage Services” shall mean all the activities, such as, among others, the loading, acceptance, storage, delivery, control, order management, order preparation, preparation for the shipping, billing, packaging, labeling, exchange, information control and auxiliary services, regarding the items agreed between Seller and Bees for Bees.


Terms and Conditions for the Logistics Services” shall mean the terms and conditions applicable to the provision of the Logistics Services under Section 9 of this Terms and Conditions of Use.


Terms and Conditions of Use” shall have the meaning attributable in the preamble of this Terms and Conditions of Use.


Third Party Rights” shall mean any personal or proprietary right of any third party.


Third Party Logistics Services” shall mean the services hired directly by Seller or Buyer for the purpose of delivering the relevant products acquired under an Online Transaction.


Transaction Risks” shall have the meaning given in Section 7.5. of this Terms and Conditions of Use.


Transaction Services” shall mean the services provided by Bees for Bees consisting on facilitating Registered Users of the Websites to place, accept, conclude, manage and fulfill purchase orders for the provision of products and services online within the Websites.


Transportation Services” shall mean the agency, loading and transportation services provided by Bees for Bees in connection with the physical movement of Products by air, sea, railway, roads or a combination of such, including the temporary storage during transportation, including hubbing, cross docking, among others, in case such temporary storage is considered and integral part of the transportation.


Trust Accounts” shall mean the bank accounts open by the Trustee under the Trust Agreement.


Trust Agreement” shall mean the irrevocable trust agreement No. F/7677, dated October 12, 2021, entered into by and between Bees for Bees Solutions, S.A.P.I. de C.V., as settlor, and the Trustee, which shall receive from Bees for Bees (as Depository) the funds resulting from the Online Transactions.

Trustee” shall mean Banco Monex, S.A., Institución de Banca Múltiple, Monex Grupo Financiero or any other institution, that may substitute it as Trustee of the Trust Agreement.

User” “you”, or “your” shall have the meaning attributable in the preamble of this Terms and Conditions of Use.


User Content” shall mean any information, content or material displayed on the Websites by the User.


Websites” “Website” “Site” or “Sites” shall mean beesbeez.com or beesforbees.com.


Website Content” shall mean the Services or any information, sound, files, videos, images, databases, graphics, text, directories, or listings, among others, available on or through the Websites.

Section 2. Application and Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Use.

2.1 Your access to and use of the Websites and Bees for Bees’ services, software and products through the Websites (such services, software and products collectively referred to hereinafter as, the “Services”) is subject to the terms and conditions included herein, including the Privacy Policy, and any other policies applicable to the Websites published by Bees for Bees from time to time, and posted in the Websites for your acknowledge. 

2.2 Bees for Bees may amend any terms and conditions under this Terms and Conditions of Use, the Privacy Policy or any other rules and policies posted by Bees for Bees in the Websites. Such amendments will take effect once same are posted by Bees for Bees on the Websites, and therefore, if you continue using the Websites and Services, you expressly agree to be bound by any amended and restated terms and conditions of this Terms and Conditions of Use, the Privacy Policy or other rules or policies posted by Bees for Bees.


2.3 This Terms and Conditions of Use, the Privacy Policy and other rules and policies posted or to be posted by Bees for Bees from time to time, may be posted in English or other language, in the understanding that such translations are posted for your reference only, and you expressly agree that the Spanish version of any of such documents will govern and prevail above any translation into English or other language (if any).


2.4 You may be required to enter into separate agreement(s), whether online or offline, with Bees for Bees or any of our affiliates for any Service (each an “Additional Agreement”).  In case any conflict or inconsistency between this Terms and Conditions of Use and the terms and conditions of any Additional Agreement, the Additional Agreement shall take precedence over this Terms and Conditions of Use only with respect to the specific Service governed thereunder, in the understanding that for all other Services or use of the Websites, this Terms and Conditions of Use shall continue to apply and be effective.

Section 3. Provision of Services

3.1 Any person accepting and bound under this Terms and Conditions of Use using the Websites and/or the Services, either you are from Mexico, or  you are from a place outside Mexico; you are contracting with Bees for Bees, a “sociedad anónima promotora de inversión de capital variable” duly incorporated under the laws of Mexico, by means of the public deed number 74580, granted before Mr. Gerardo González-Meza Hoffman, Notary Public No. 79 of Mexico City, registered in the Public Registry of Commerce of Mexico City, under the commercial electronic folio No. 2020076295. Bees for Bees may, at its discretion, may require the support from any of its affiliates, or subsidiaries to render any or all of the Services, and therefore, Bees for Bees is hereby authorized by you to delegate any and all of such Services to any affiliate or subsidiary.


3.2 For you to access and use certain Services offered by Bees for Bees, you will be required to register as a member on the Websites. Additionally, Bees for Bees reserves the right, without prior notice, to restrict access to or use of certain Services (or any features within the Services) to Users, or subject to other conditions that Bees for Bees may impose in our discretion from time to time.


3.3 Services (or any features within the Services) may vary for different regions and countries. No warranty or representation is given that a particular Service or feature or function thereof or the same type and extent of the Service or features and functions thereof will be available for Users. Bees for Bees may in our sole discretion limit, deny or create different levels of access to and use of any Services (or any features within the Services) with respect to different Users.

3.4 Bees for Bees may launch, change, upgrade, impose conditions to, suspend, or stop any Services (or any features within the Services) without prior notice to the User, in the understanding that if such Service relates to a fee-based Service, shall ensure that the ability such User is not adversely affected to enjoy that Service.


3.5 Bees for Bees charges service fees for Online Transactions according to the fees posted by Bees for Bees on the Websites, which may be updated from time to time by Bees for Bees at its sole discretion (for more details on such fees, please refer to the following link: beesbeez.com/tarifas). Bees for Bees reserves the right to charge any service fees for other types of Online Transactions upon prior notification published on the Websites. Moreover, Bees for Bees may, at their sole discretion, modify such fees, at any time, even during the provision of the Services, by means of a simple notice delivered to the corresponding User, whether the notice is published on the Websites or presented to the specific User, to their e-mail, or any other means provided when registering on the Websites.


The service fees charged by Bees for Bees do not include any fees (including all taxes) for any service or product that you may acquire or purchase in connection with the Online Transaction.  It shall be your responsibility to settle the fees or purchase price with such third-party vendors.


All fees charged by Bees for Bees are exclusive of any taxes (such as the Value Added Tax according to applicable law), duties or other governmental levies or any financial charges. You agree to pay and be responsible for any such taxes, duties, levies or charges for the use of the Transaction Services (as such term is define below) in addition to our service fees. In the event Bees for Bees is required by any applicable law to collect or withhold any taxes or duties, you agree to pay such taxes or duties to Bees for Bees.  You will also be liable for any financial charges for remission of funds to you, and Bees for Bees shall have the right to pay such charges from such funds. Bees for Bees shall have the right to deduct any financial charges incurred as a result of providing the Transaction Services (as such term is defined below) and the party receiving the funds will bear the costs of such financial charges.


Sección 4. Users Generally.

4.1 As a condition of your access to and use of the Websites and/or Services, you agree that you will comply with all applicable laws and regulations when accessing or using the Sites and/or Services.


4.2 The use of any information, content and/or materials on the Websites for any purpose not expressly permitted in this Terms and Conditions of Use is prohibited. The User shall not copy, reproduce, sell, distribute, or download, any Services or any information, sound, files, videos, images, databases, graphics, text, directories, or listings, among others, available on or through the Websites (the “Website Content”), and shall not copy, reproduce, sell, distribute, or download, compile or otherwise use any Website Content for commercially exploiting the Website Content. It is prohibited the systematic retrieval, by any means, of Website Content from the Website to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, compilation, database or directory.


4.3 You can consult our Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”) which shall govern the data protection and use of personal data of Users in the possession of Bees for Bees and our affiliates, pursuant to the Federal Law of Personal Data Protection in Possession of Private Persons (Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares).


4.4 Users may be allowed in the Websites to access to content, products or services offered by third parties through hyperlinks (in the form of word link, banners, channels or otherwise), API or otherwise to such third parties’ web sites. You are responsible for accessing and using such other websites of third parties, and to read such web sites’ terms and conditions and/or privacy policies before using the Websites. Bees for Bees has no control over such third parties’ web sites, and therefore, Bees for Bees does not monitor such web sites, and is not and will not be responsible or liable to you for such web sites, including any products, services or content, made available on or through such web sites.

4.5 You shall not undermine the integrity of the systems and/or networks of Bees for Bees, including the Websites, nor to gain unauthorized access to such systems or networks.


4.6 You shall not leave positive feedback for yourself using secondary Member IDs or through third parties or by leaving unsubstantiated negative feedback for another User. In case of breach by any User of the foregoing, Bees for Bees reserves the right to terminate any relationship with such User, without any responsibility, by delivering a notice to such User, to the e-mail account registered by the User, informing about such breach and termination.


4.7 By posting or displaying any information, content or material (the “User Content”) on the Websites or providing any User Content to Bees for Bees, and to the extent permitted under applicable laws, you grant an irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, and sub-licensable (through multiple tiers) license to Bees for Bees to display, transmit, distribute, reproduce, publish, duplicate, adapt, modify, translate, create derivative works, and otherwise use any or all of the User Content in any form, media, or technology now known or not currently known in any manner and for any purpose which may be beneficial to Bees for Bees, the operation of the Websites, the provision of any Services and/or the business of the User. You confirm and warrant to Bees for Bees that you have all the rights, power and authority necessary to grant the above license.


4.8 You represent, warrant and agree that (i) you shall be solely responsible for obtaining all necessary third party licenses and permissions regarding any User Content that you submit, post or display in the Websites; (ii) any User Content that you submit, post or display does not infringe or violate any of the copyright, patent, trademark, trade name, trade secrets or any other personal or proprietary rights of any third party (“Third Party Rights”); (iii) you have the right and authority to sell, trade, distribute or export or offer to sell, trade, distribute or export the products or services described in the User Content and such sale, trade, distribution or export or offer does not violate any Third Party Rights and (iv) you and your affiliates are not the subject of any trade restrictions, sanctions or other legal restrictions enacted by any country, international organization or jurisdiction.


4.9 Each Registered User further represents, warrants and agrees that the User Content that you submit, post or display in the Websites shall: (i) be true, accurate, complete and lawful; (ii) not be false, misleading or deceptive; (iii) not contain information that is defamatory, libelous, threatening or harassing, obscene, objectionable, offensive, sexually explicit or harmful to minors; (iv) not contain information that is discriminatory or promotes discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age; (v) not violate the Product Listing Policy (as such term is defined below), other terms and conditions of this Terms and Conditions of Use or any applicable Additional Agreements; (vi) not violate any applicable laws and regulations (including without limitation those governing export control, consumer protection, unfair competition, or false advertising) or promote any activities which may violate any applicable laws and regulations; (vii) not contain any link directly or indirectly to any other web sites which includes any content that may violate this Terms and Conditions of Use.

Sección 5. User Accounts.

5.1 User must be registered on the Websites to access or use some Services (a registered User is also referred to hereinafter as a “Registered User”). One Registered User may only register one member account on the Websites, except if the prior approval from Bees for Bees if obtained. Bees for Bees may cancel or terminate a User’s member account and any relationship with such User, if Bees for Bees has reasons to suspect that the User has multiple accounts or is in control of two or more accounts in the Websites. Further, Bees for Bees may reject User’s application for registration for any reason.


5.2 Upon registration on the Websites, Bees for Bees shall assign an account and issue a username and password to each Registered User. Such username and password shall be selected by the User during the registration process in the Websites. User agrees that all use of the Websites and Services, and all activities that occur under your account (including without limitation, posting any company or product information, clicking to accept the Privacy Policy, and/or any Additional Agreements or rules, subscribing to or making any payment for any services) will be deemed to have been authorized by the Registered User.


5.3 Upon becoming a Registered User you consent to the inclusion of the contact information about you in our database and authorize Bees for Bees and our affiliates to share the contact information with other Users or otherwise use your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Policy.


5.4 If you are registering for a user account in the Websites, you represent, warrant and agrees that: (i) if you are an individual, you are at least 18 years old, and you have full legal capacity to be bound to the terms and conditions of this Terms and Conditions of Use; (ii) if you are a legal entity, you are legally incorporated, and validly existing under the relevant laws of your jurisdiction, and that the individual acting on behalf of such legal entity has sufficient powers of attorney to represent such legal entity, and that the legal entity is duly authorized under its constitutional documents and/or by-laws to be bound to the terms and conditions of this Terms and Conditions of Use; (iii) any information you provide us, at the time of registration, and in the future, is and will be true, accurate, truthful and complete, and in such cases in which we require copies of any documentation, that such copies are a true and correct copy of the originals; (iv) you will only register one account for yourself; (v) you will keep all information up to date, and when any amendments to any constitutional documents and/or by-laws occur, you will provide Bees for Bees for true and correct copies of any such amendments; (vi) you cannot sell, transfer, or assign your account to any other person without prior written consent from Bees for Bees; (vii) you must keep your password confidential, and not share it with anyone, and not allow anyone else to log into the Websites like as if is you; and (viii) you are responsible for all activities carried out under your User account, including all information, data, photos, videos, or other content uploaded by you; (ix) you have full power and authority to accept this Terms and Conditions of Use, to grant the license and authorization and to perform the obligations hereunder; (x) your access and use the Websites and Services will be for business purposes only; and (xi) for Registered Users who are legal entities, the address you provide when registering is the principal place of business of your business entity. Any Registered User, who is a legal entity, will be required to provide documentation about your legal entity, business or products/services as part of the registration process on the Websites.  


5.5 You authorize and agree that, as part of our Services, Bees for Bees staff may contact you by phone, cellphone, WhatsApp (or any other text messaging application), social media or networks, email and / or by any other digital means determined from time to time by Bees for Bees.


5.6 If (i) you do not have the legal capacity to enter into a binding agreement with Bees for Bees, or (ii) you are not permitted to receive any Services under the laws of Mexico or other countries or regions including the country or region in which you are resident or from which you access and use the Services and the Websites; you are not allowed to use the Websites and Services, and Bees for Bees reserves any rights to delete any User account that does not comply with the foregoing.


5.7 No User may share, assign, or permit the use of your Registered User account, username or password by another person, even to other individuals within the Registered User’s own business entity (if such other individual does not represent or has sufficient powers of attorney to represent such business entity).


Registered User agrees to notify Bees for Bees immediately, but in any case, no later than 1 (one) business day following you becoming aware, if you become aware of any unauthorized use of your password or your account or any other breach of security of your account.


5.8 User shall indemnify Bees for Bees, our affiliates, directors, employees, agents and representatives against any loss or damages (including but not limited to loss of profits) suffered as a result of the multiple use of your account. Registered User also agrees that in case of the multiple use of your account or Registered User’s failure to maintain the security of your account, Bees for Bees shall not be liable for any loss or damages arising from such a breach and shall have the right to suspend or terminate Registered User’s account without liability to the Registered User.


5.9 Bees for Bees may verify all information and documentation provided by you under this Terms and Conditions of Use, or through your use of the Websites and Services. For such purposes you are obliged to provide all of the supporting documentation and/or information upon the request of Bees for Bees. Bees for Bess shall maintain confidential all information and documentation received by you and shall use it only for purposes of rendering the Services pursuant to this Terms and Conditions of Use or the Privacy Policy.


Bees for Bees shall be entitled to perform any verification visits to your facilities in order to verify and confirm any information and documentation provided by you and oversee and approve the manufacture process, storage, quality control, packaging standards, shipping, and all other processes related to the goods offered through the Websites, among others. Bees for Bees may perform such verification visits directly or indirectly through any of its affiliates and/or third parties’ subcontractors. In the event as a result of such verification visits, results that you are in breach of any provisions under this Terms and Conditions of Use, or any other policy issued from time to time by Bees for Bees, Bees for Bees may instruct or suggest you to perform the require adjustments to comply with this Terms and Conditions of Use and any other policies issued from time to time by Bees for Bees, in which case, a second visit may be performed by Bees for Bees, directly or through any of its affiliates or third parties´ subcontractors (to be set to occur the date as agreed between you and us as provided below), to verify that such adjustments have been implemented. Bees for Bees at its sole discretion may suspend or terminate permanently the Registered User’s account, without any responsibility or liability, it Bees for Bees considers that such Registered User does not comply with this Terms and Conditions of Use, or any other policies issued from time to time by Bees for Bees. 


If Bees for Bees choses at its sole discretion to request any documentation to you: (i) Bees for Bees shall provide to the Registered User a written request of any information or documentation related to the business and/ or the goods offered by the Registered User, through one or more of the means of communications provided when registering an account for the Websites (such as, e-mail, WhatsApp, social media platforms, text messaging, or any other electronic means, if available when registering); (ii) the Registered User shall provide all of the information and documentations requested within 30 (thirty) calendar days counted as of the date in which the request was issued by Bees for Bees; (iii) if the information is not provided within the 30 (thirty) day term mentioned in item (ii) above, Bees for Bees at its sole discretion may suspend the account until the information and documentation is provided to the full satisfaction of Bees for Bees. In the event the information and documentation is not provided within 90 (ninety) calendar days counted as of the date in which the request was issued by Bees for Bees, the account may be terminated permanently without any responsibility or liability.


If Bees for Bees choses to perform a verification visit to you: (i) Bees for Bees shall provide to the Registered User a written request for a verification visit, through one or more of the means of communications provided when registering an account for the Websites (such as, e-mail, WhatsApp, social media platforms, text messaging, or any other electronic means, if available when registering); (ii) the Registered User shall, within the following 30 (thirty) calendar days counted as of the date in which the request was issued by Bees for Bees, provide at least 6 (six) potential dates on which the verification visit might take place, all such date shall occur during the 2 (two) calendar months following the written request; (iii) within the 30 (thirty) calendar days counted as of the date on which the response by the Registered User has been received, Bees for Bees shall choose one or more dates from the potential dates provided, on which the verification visit shall take place. In the event that the Registered User does not receive any response from Bees for Bees, the visit shall not take place until a new request is issued; (iv) the visit shall take place on the date or dates agreed by Bees for Bees and the Registered User, pursuant to points 1) through 3) above in the working hours; and (v) the visit may be performed by any officer, employee, agent, representative, auditor or third party appointed by Bees for Bees for such purpose, and the Registered User shall collaborate and grant access to its facilities, in order for the visit to take place in an adequate manner.


In the event that Bees for Bees requests for a verification visit and the Registered User does not answer with the proposed dates for the visit, or if once a date has been agreed, the visit could not take place for causes attributable to the Registered User, or if the Registered User does not grant access to its facilities on the place on the date or dates agreed by Bees for Bees, to the person or persons appointed by Bees for Bees to perform the visit; or the Registered User does not collaborate or prevents the persons appointed by Bees for Bees from adequately performing the visit, Bees for Bees at its sole discretion may suspend or terminate permanently the Registered User’s account, without any responsibility or liability. 

5.10 Each Registered User further represents, warrants and agrees that you shall/are:

  1. a) carry on your activities on the Sites in compliance with any applicable laws and regulations;
  2. b) conduct your business transactions with other users of the Sites in good faith;
  3. c) carry on your activities in accordance with the Terms, any regulations or policies issued by Bees for Bees and any applicable Additional Agreements;
  4. d) not use the Services or Sites to defraud any person or entity (including without limitation sale of stolen items, use of stolen credit/debit cards), or commit any crime under applicable law;
  5. e) not impersonate any person or entity, misrepresent yourself or your affiliation with any person or entity;
  6. f) not engage in spamming or phishing;
  7. g) not engage in any other unlawful activities (including without limitation those which would constitute a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, etc) or encourage or abet any unlawful activities;
  8. h) not involve attempts to copy, reproduce, exploit or expropriate Bees for Bees’ various proprietary directories, databases and listings;
  9. i) not involve any computer viruses or other destructive devices and codes that have the effect of damaging, interfering with, intercepting or expropriating any software or hardware system, data or personal information;
  10. j) not involve any scheme to undermine the integrity of the data, systems or networks used by Bees for Bees and/or any user of the Sites or gain unauthorized access to such data, systems or networks;
  11. k) not, and your director(s), officer(s), controlling party/ies, affiliates and legal jurisdiction in which any of the foregoing persons or entities is organized or has operations are not, persons or entities that are subject to any economic or fraud sanctions of any governmental, international or regulatory entities; and
  12. l) not engage in any activities that would otherwise create any liability for Bees for Bees or our affiliates.

5.11 Registered Users, who offer and sell any goods through the Sites may not use the Sites, Services or account to engage in activities which are identical or similar to Bees for Bees’ e-commerce marketplace business.


5.12 You agree to provide all necessary information, materials and approval, and render all reasonable assistance and cooperation necessary for Bees for Bees’ provision of the Services, evaluating whether a Registered User has breached the Terms and/or handling any complaint against a Registered User.  If a Registered User’s failure to do so results in delay in, or suspension or termination of, the provision of any Service,   Bees for Bees shall not be obliged to extend the relevant service period nor be liable for any loss or damages arising out of or in connection with such delay, suspension or termination.


5.13 Registered User acknowledges and agrees that Bees for Bees reserves the right to, but shall not be required to, actively monitor or exercise any editorial control whatsoever over the content of any message or material or information (including User Content) created, obtained or accessible through the Services or Sites.  Bees for Bees does not endorse, verify or otherwise certify the contents of any comments or other material or information (including User Content) created, submitted, posted, displayed or otherwise made by any Registered User. Each Registered User is solely responsible for the contents of their communications and may be held legally liable or accountable for the content of their comments or other material or information.


5.14 You acknowledge and agree that the Sites and Services may only be used by businesses and their representatives for business use and not for individual consumers or for personal use.


5.15 You acknowledge and agree that each Registered User is solely responsible for observing applicable laws and regulations in its respective jurisdictions to ensure that all access and use of the Site and Services are in compliance with the same.


5.16     You acknowledge and agree that if you perform an Online Transaction with a Buyer using the Transaction Services, such Buyer shall be deem a client of Bees for Bees, and therefore, all future Online Transactions between you and all Buyers contacted initially through the Websites shall have to be performed and closed using the Websites. The violation of this provision shall entitle Bees for Bees to suspend and/or cancel your account, and Bees for Bees may be entitled to exercise any rights under applicable law to claim you any damages and/or losses.

Sección 6Breaches by Registered Users.


6.1 Bees for Bees reserves the right in our sole discretion to remove, modify or reject any User Content that you submit to, post or display on the Sites which we reasonably believe is unlawful, violates the Terms or any other regulations or policies issued by Bees for Bees, or applicable law, could subject Bees for Bees or our affiliates to liability, or is otherwise found inappropriate at Bees for Bees´ sole discretion.


6.2 If any Registered User breaches any Terms or any other regulations or policies issued by Bees for Bees, or applicable law, or if  Bees for Bees has reasonable grounds to believe that a  User is in breach of any Terms or any other regulations or policies Bees for Bees or applicable law, shall have the right to take such disciplinary actions as it deems appropriate, including without limitation: (i) suspending or terminating any account and any and all accounts determined to be related to such account by  Bees for Bees in its sole discretion without liability for any losses or damages arising out of or in connection with such suspension or termination; (ii) restricting, downgrading, suspending or terminating the subscription of, access to, or current or future use of any Service; (iii) removing any product listings or other User Content that the Registered User has submitted, posted or displayed, or imposing restrictions on the number of product listings or User Content that the Registered User may post or display; (iv) imposing other restrictions on the Registered User’s use of any features or functions of any Service as  Bees for Bees may consider appropriate in its sole discretion; and (v) any other corrective actions, discipline or penalties as  Bees for Bees may deem necessary or appropriate in its sole discretion.


6.3 Without limiting the generality of the provisions of the Terms, a Registered User would be considered as being in breach of the Terms in any of the following circumstances:

  1. a) upon complaint or claim from any third party, Bees for Bees has reasonable grounds to believe that such Registered User has willfully or materially failed to perform your contract with such third party including without limitation where a Registered Member who supplies products or services using the Sites and Services has failed to deliver any items ordered by such third party after receipt of the purchase price, or where the items such Registered User has delivered materially fail to meet the terms and descriptions outlined in your contract with such third party,
  2. b) Bees for Bees has reasonable grounds to suspect that such Registered User has used a stolen credit card or other false or misleading information in any transaction with a counter party,
  3. c) Bees for Bees has reasonable grounds to suspect that any information provided by the Registered User is not current or complete or is untrue, inaccurate, or misleading, or
  4. d) Bees for Bees believes that the Registered User’s actions may cause financial loss or legal liability to Bees for Bees or our affiliates or any other Users.

6.4 Bees for Bees reserves the right to cooperate fully with governmental or regulatory authorities, law enforcement bodies, private investigators and/or injured third parties in the investigation of any suspected criminal or civil wrongdoing.  Further, to the extent permitted by applicable laws and policies,  Bees for Bees may disclose the User’s identity, contact information and/or information regarding the  Registered User’s account(s), transactions or activities carried out on or via the Site, if requested by a government, regulatory or law enforcement body or an injured third party, or as a result of a subpoena or other legal action.   Bees for Bees shall not be liable for damages or results arising from such disclosure, and Registered User agrees not to bring any action or claim against Bees for Bees for such disclosure.


6.5  Bees for Bees may, at any time and in our reasonable discretion, impose limitations on, suspend or terminate the User’s use of any Service or the Sites without being liable to the User if  Bees for Bees has received notice that the User is in breach of any agreement or undertaking with any affiliate of  Bees for Bees and such breach involves or is reasonably suspected to involve dishonest or fraudulent activities.  Bees for Bees reserves the right to but shall not be required to investigate such breach or request confirmation from the User.


6.5 Each User agrees to indemnify  Bees for Bees, our affiliates, directors, employees, agents and representatives and to hold them harmless, from any and all damages, losses, claims and liabilities (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) which may arise from your submission, posting or display of any User Content, from your access to or use of the Sites or Services, or from your breach of the Terms, any Additional Agreements and any other regulations or policies issued by Bees for Bees.


6.7 Each User further agrees that  Bees for Bees is not responsible, and shall have no liability to you or anyone else for any User Content or other material transmitted through the Sites or Services, including fraudulent, untrue, misleading, inaccurate, defamatory, offensive or illicit material and that the risk of damage from such User Content or other material rests entirely with the User who uploaded them.  Bees for Bees reserves the right, at our own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by the User who uploaded such content, in which event the User shall cooperate with Bees for Bees in asserting any available defenses.

Sección 7. Online Transactions

7.1 Bees for Bees shall provide services (the “Transaction Services”) consisting on facilitate Registered Users of the Websites to place, accept, conclude, manage and fulfill purchase orders for the provision of products and services online within the Websites (“Online Transactions”), which may include certain services which will be either supported by Bees for Bees or its affiliates. Bees for Bees reserves the right to change, upgrade, modify, limit or suspend the Transaction Services or any of its related functionalities or applications at any time temporarily or permanently without prior notice without any liability for any losses or damages arising out of or in connection with such suspension or termination. Bees for Bees further reserves the right but shall not be obliged to introduce new features, functionalities or applications to the Transaction Services or to future versions of the Transaction Services. All new features, functionalities, applications, modifications, upgrades and alterations shall be governed by this Terms and Conditions of Use unless otherwise expressly stated by Bees for Bees. However, for any Services, Bees for Bees does not represent either the Seller or the Buyer in specific transactions. Moreover, Bees for Bees does not control and is not liable or responsible for the quality, safety, lawfulness or availability of the Products or services offered for sale on the Websites, the ability of the Sellers to complete a sale or the ability of Buyers to complete a purchase.

7.2 The Transaction Services are only available to Registered Users of the Websites.  If your subscription to the paid or free membership of the Websites expires or is terminated early for any reason, you are not eligible to use the Transaction Services.  In the event that you have a valid Online Transaction at the point at which your paid or free membership registration on the Websites is terminated Bees for Bees shall have the full discretion and authority to refund to Buyer and/or release to Seller (both Buyer and Seller as defined below) all or part of the funds under the Online Transactions as Bees for Bees considers appropriate in its sole discretion.   If you are a Seller, you are required to provide a valid bank account subject to verification and confirmation by Bees for Bees and our affiliates.

7.3 The Transaction Services are solely available to those types of Online Transactions permitted by Bees for Bees. Moreover, Bees for Bees may limit any or all of the Transaction Services to a specified group of members in accordance with this Terms and Conditions of Use. No warranty or representation is given that the same type and extent of transactions, benefits, features and functions will be available to all members.

7.4 Users are hereby made aware that there may be risks of dealing with people acting under false pretenses.  Bees for Bees uses several techniques to verify the accuracy of certain information the Registered Users provide us when they register an account on the Websites, or for a paying membership service on the Websites.  However, because user verification on the Internet is difficult, Bees for Bees cannot and does not confirm each User’s purported identity (including, without limitation, Registered Users or paying users). We encourage you to use various means, as well as common sense, to evaluate with whom you are dealing.

7.5 Buyers and Sellers accessing or using the Websites or Services shall assume the risks of conducting any purchase and sale transactions in connection with or through the Websites or Services. Buyer and sellers accessing or using the Websites or Services shall also fully assume all risks of liability or harm of any kind arising out of or in connection with any subsequent activity relating to the products or services that are the subject of the transactions on the Websites. Examples of such risks shall include, but are not limited to, mis-representation of products and services, fraudulent schemes, unsatisfactory product quality, failure to meet specifications, defective or dangerous products, unlawful products, delay or default in delivery or payment, cost mis-calculations, breach of warranty, breach of contract, transportation accidents, the risk that the manufacture, importation, export, distribution, offer, display, purchase, sale and/or use of products or services offered or displayed on the Sites may violate or may be asserted to violate Third Party Rights, and the risk that Users may incur costs of defense or other costs in connection with third parties’ assertion of Third Party Rights, or in connection with any claims by any party that they are entitled to defense or indemnification in relation to the assertion of rights, demands or claims by claimants of Third Party Rights. Examples of such risks also include the risk of claims from consumers, other purchasers, end-users of products or other third parties that they have suffered injuries or harm from their use of the products obtained through the Sites or Services. All of the foregoing risks are referred to as “Transaction Risks“.  Bees for Bees is not liable or responsible for any damages, claims, liabilities, costs, harm, inconveniences, business disruptions or expenditures of any kind that may arise a result of or in connection with any Transaction Risks.

7.6 Buyers and Sellers on the Sites are solely responsible for setting out and performance of the terms and conditions of the transactions conducted on, through or as a result of use of the Websites or Services, including, without limitation, terms regarding payment, returns, warranties, shipping, insurance, fees, taxes, title, licenses, fines, permits, handling, transportation and storage, subject to any additional obligations imposed under this Terms and Conditions of Use. Buyer and Seller shall execute a purchase contract, in form of a proforma invoice, generated through the Websites, which shall provide the main terms and conditions agreed between the Seller and the Buyer in connection with a relevant Online Transaction (the “Purchase Contract”). Seller and Buyer expressly agree that for such Purchase Contracts for a total value of USD$250,000.00 (Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars 00/100, legal currency of the United States of America), their consent granted by electronic means under the Websites shall be sufficient, in the understanding that for such Purchase Contracts above USD$250,000.00 (Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars 00/100, legal currency of the United States of America), an advanced electronic signature (firma electronica avanzada) or wet-ink signatures shall be required.

7.7 User agrees to provide all information and materials as may be reasonably required by Bees for Bees in connection with your transactions conducted on, through or as a result of use of the Sites or Services.   Bees for Bees has the right to suspend or terminate any User’s account if the User fails to provide the required information and materials without liability for any losses or damages arising out of or in connection with such suspension or termination.

7.8 The products or services of an Online Transaction using the Transaction Services must be lawful items and must not be otherwise prohibited or restricted by the Terms or the applicable law you shall not use the Transaction Services in connection with any Online Transaction that:

(a) may infringe Bees for Bees or any third party’s legitimate or proprietary rights including but not limited to copyright, trademark right, patent or other intellectual property rights;

(b) may be in breach of the applicable law or may include any illegal items; and

(c) may be in breach of the Terms.

Bees for Bees shall have the right to refuse or cancel any Online Transaction which it determines in its sole discretion to be in breach of the Terms, any regulations or policies issued by Bees for Bees or the applicable law.

User may not post, offer or sell any good, product or item that is in any way illegal, prohibited, restricted or controlled in Mexico or in the jurisdiction in which Buyer or Seller is located (the “Prohibited Products”). Such Prohibited Products shall include, without limitation, the following:

  1. Drugs and Drug Related Items:
  1. Illegal Substances, including but not limited to, narcotics, psychotropic drugs, synthetic drugs, hallucinogens, tranquilizers, steroids or any other drugs or illegal or controlled substances.
  1. Drug precursors, meaning any chemicals or substances that, although may be used for the manufacture of legal products, they can also be used for the production of drugs.
  1. Drug Paraphernalia, meaning any items designed for or used primarily in the manufacture, packaging, concealment, smuggling or use of any illegal substances, such as pipes or any kind, bongs, among others.
  1. Medical drugs, meaning prescription drugs of any kind, including psychotropic drugs and narcotics, sexual enhancement supplements and drugs for veterinary use.
  1. Hazardous Materials:
  1. Explosives, explosive chemicals, ignition and detonation equipment, as well as items including explosive materials, such as airbags.
  1. Radioactive materials and substances, as well as any item containing such.
  1. Poison, poisonous or toxic chemicals or substances.
  1. Hazardous or dangerous material or substances, including ozone depleting substances, fireworks, firecrackers, and any other harmful or forbidden chemicals, substances or materials, as well as any items that include hazardous materials or substances, such as toys containing lead paint.
  1. Weapons:
  1. Firearms and ammunitions, including but not limited to, arms, munitions, guns, military ordnance, explosive weapons, harpoons, spearguns, any weapon or projectile that may discharge any gas, chemical or explosive substance, as well as any parts or components of such.
  1. Other weapons that may cause injury or physical harm to a person, including but not limited to, crossbows, sharpened swords, tasers and stun guns. Knives that are not intended to be used as weapons, such as kitchen knives, may be listed.
  1. Related products, such as manuals, instructions, materials or processes to create or manufacture any weapons, whether physical, biological, chemical, nuclear or otherwise.
  1. Violations to Intellectual Property Rights:
  1. Piracy: Any unauthorized copies, duplicates or bootlegs of software, music, videogames, movies, series, books, photographs or any other works protected by copyright, industrial or intellectual property laws.
  1. Counterfeit Items, including, non-licensed replicas of designer clothing and accessories, as well as clothing items or accessories that include a trademark, logo or brand of a company without the due authorizations.
  1. Items including the likeness, image, name or signature of a person, living or dead, without the due authorizations by the relevant person.
  1. Government Documents, Uniforms, Batches and Awards:
  1. Official documents or documents issued by governmental authorities, including but not limited to, passports, divers licenses, visas, and other identity documents, birth certificates, permits, authorizations, holograms, collage degrees, among others. As well as media, documents or any other means that contain state secrets or confidential government information.
  1. Uniforms of the police, armed forces, military or other law enforcement or government authority, as well as any clothing item that is similar or resembles such uniforms to the point of confusion.
  1. Badges used to identify the police, law enforcement officers, government officials, or members of the military or armed forces.
  1. Awards, medals, insignias and other decorations given to veterans, members of the military, the police, law enforcement or others given by the government.
  1. Equipment Exclusively Designed to Carry Out Illegal Activities
  1. Descramblers, including but not limited to, hackings software, DDS emulators, smart cards, and other products whose purpose is to allow access to television services, internet or telephone services, cellular phone services, cellular phone data, software and any other services without paying for such services.
  1. Manuals, instructions and other information on how to gain unauthorized access to television services, internet or telephone services, cellular phone services, cellular phone data, software and any other services without paying for such services.
  1. Devices intended to interfere or block radio communications, telephone signal, cellular phone signal and data, wi-fi and other internet communications, radars and global positioning systems (GPS).
  1. Spy equipment and other devices used to intercept and access communications of any kind, including oral or written, whether carried out through analogue or electronic means, including cellular, radio, internet, wire or any other communications.
  1. Bank card readers or any other device used to illegally or without authorization access the information stored in credit, debit or any other kind of bank card.
  1. Other Prohibited Items
  1. Stolen property of any kind, including goods stolen from individuals or subtracted or distributed without authorization form a company or government entity.
  1. Any products, goods, services and items prohibited by the laws and regulations of the place in which Bees for Bees, Seller and/or Buyer are located or that could otherwise be applicable to the sale and purchase transaction are strictly forbidden.
  1. The Seller is solely responsible for the legality of any products, goods, items or services posted, sold and distributed. However. Seller also acknowledges that Bees for Bees may, at its own discretion remove any listing and, if applicable, notify the competent authorities.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Bees for Bees reserves the right to remove any items published in the Websites by a User, if at the discretion of Bees for Bees, such item may infringe or violate applicable laws and regulations and this Terms and Conditions of Use, including, without limitation, offensive materials, commercial instruments, pornographic materials, tobacco, among others.

7.9 Bees for Bees reserves the right, at our sole discretion, to refuse or cancel any Online Transaction for any reason without any liability for any losses or damages arising out of or in connection with such refusal or cancellation. Some situations that may result in an Online Transaction being rejected or canceled include where problems are identified by our credit and fraud control department, where Bees for Bees has reason to believe the Online Transaction is unauthorized, violates any law, rule or regulations or may otherwise subject Bees for Bees or any of our affiliates to liability. 

7.10 For any type of Online Transactions, Bees for Bees may impose additional restrictions, limitations and prohibitions as well as penalties for any violations to the Terms, any regulations or policies issued by Bees for Bees or the applicable law.

You expressly recognize and authorize Bees for Bees to record and keep communications logs, of all written communications between Seller and Buyer within the Websites, through the relevant chats or other communication means made available by Bees for Bees on the Websites, for them to communicate any matters in connection with the Online Transactions. It is expressly forbidden to use such communication means for any other purpose different from an Online Transaction, or to discuss or agree on closing a relevant Online Transaction that initially started through the Websites, outside the Websites. All communications between Buyer and Seller in connection with an Online Transaction shall be made exclusively through the communication means made available by Bees for Bees on the Websites. For purposes of the foregoing, you are not allowed to share any contact information of you to the other party to the Online Transaction for purposes of directly contacting such party to arrange closing such Online Transaction separately or out of the Websites. All Online Transactions initially started through the Websites, shall have to be closed and perfected using the Websites and Services. Bees for Bees shall, at its own discretion, be entitled to monitor, from time to time, any of such communications logs, and shall be authorized by you, to cancel any Online Transaction in breach of this Terms and Conditions of Use, or suspend or terminate any account of a Registered User in the Websites, in the event that Bees for Bees suspects that any Online Transaction is being made in violation of this Terms and Conditions of Use.

7.11 Seller and Buyer shall enter into an Online Transaction for products or services by completing, submitting and accepting an order online using the applicable standard order form on the Websites.  Seller and Buyer yourselves shall be responsible for ensuring that you have agreed to, and specified, all the relevant terms and conditions for the products or services in the relevant online order form, including but not limited to the pricing, quantity, specifications, quality standards, inspection, shipping etc., except in the case the Seller and the Buyer have agreed to be subject to an specific INCOTERM, otherwise the following shall apply:

  1. for all transactions concluded on the Sites the Buyer shall be the importer on record for customs and taxation purposes, unless otherwise agreed upon between the Buyer and Seller,
  1. for all transactions concluded on the Sites, all risks of damage and loss of products purchased by a Buyer under a transaction (will be borne solely by the Buyer upon physical delivery to the specified address),
  1. c) Bees for Bees may refuse to process or cancel, without liability for any losses or damages arising out of or in connection with such refusal or cancellation, any Online Transaction which in Bees for Bees reasonable opinion, has insufficient information to constitute a binding contract,
  1. d) for such transactions in process in which the Seller and Buyer did not properly agreed on all basic terms on the standard order form of the Websites related to an Online Transaction, such as quantity, specifications, quality standards, inspections, shipping, among others, the Seller and Buyer shall clarify in good faith any missing or misleading information, and in the event Seller and Buyer do not agree on such terms, both Seller and Buyer shall be equally responsible for the outcome of such Online Transaction.
  1. e) unless otherwise agreed upon by Seller and Buyer, in the event that the Products are ready to be delivered by Seller and Buyer has not provided the necessary instructions for delivery, within 45 (forty five) calendar days counted from the date in which Seller provided notice to Buyer, any funds or forward payment received by the Trust Accounts, shall be released to Seller. Moreover if within 180 (one hundred and eighty) calendar days, counted from the date of the aforementioned notice, Buyer has not provided delivery instructions to Seller, Buyer shall lose any right or claim to the Products. However, if Seller still wished to deliver the Products, Buyer shall cover any storage expenses incurred on by Seller.

7.12 Seller and Buyer shall complete the Online Transaction according to the Terms and Conditions of Use and any regulations or policies issued by Bees for Bees and may only cancel any Online Transaction in accordance with and the Terms and Conditions of Use and any regulations or policies issued by Bees for Bees.

7.13 The User acknowledges that Online Transaction is made by and between a Seller and a Buyer only. Despite that Bees for Bees makes available the Transaction Services and, if applicable, may conduct formality review(s) of an Online Transaction, Bees for Bees shall not be considered as a party to the Online Transaction. Bees for Bees does not represent the Seller nor the Buyer in any Online Transaction, and will not be responsible for the quality, safety, lawfulness or availability of the products or services offered under any Online Transaction or the ability of either Seller or Buyer to complete any Online Transaction.  You agree that you will not hold Bees for Bees and our affiliates and agents liable for any losses, damages, claims, liabilities, costs and/or expenses arising from any Online Transactions, including any breach, partial performance or non-performance of the Online Transaction by the other party to the transaction.

7.14 Payment of Contract Price.  For any Online Transaction, Buyer agrees to pay the full transaction price listed for Online Transaction through the Websites. The funds are received in the Trust Accounts for the Seller´s benefit in accordance with this Terms and Conditions of Use. 

7.15 Please note that the payment methods available on the Websites may be provided by third-party financial providers.  If there is any chargeback or reversal of any payment requested by such third-party financial providers, Seller agrees that Bees for Bees has the right to refund the money so requested by the third-party financial provider without liability to Seller.  Bees for Bees will use reasonable efforts to assist you in participating in the dispute resolution process of the relevant third-party financial provider.  However, if the participation in the dispute resolution process is subject to additional fees, this will be at your own cost only.

7.16. You agree that any dispute arising between you and the other party to an Online Transaction will be handled by Bees for Bees who shall have the full right and power to make a determination for such dispute or to delegate or sub-contract such power to another party, pursuant to the provisions of Section 7.22 and any other applicable provision under this Terms and Conditions of Use. For purposes of the foregoing, you expressly agree to irrevocably appoint Bees for Bees as a good faith third party to handle such dispute.  Upon receipt of a dispute, Bees for Bees shall have the right to request either or both of Buyer and Seller to provide supporting documentation in connection with the Online Transaction, as set forth under Section 7.22. Moreover, you expressly authorize Bees for Bees to review any communications log between the Buyer and Seller.  You agree that Bees for Bees shall have the absolute discretion to reject or receive any supporting documentation. You also acknowledge that Bees for Bees is not a judicial or administrative authority and will make the determinations only as an ordinary non-professional person, in good faith, as Bees for Bees is being appointed by you to make such determinations. Any costs and expenses arise from any dispute shall be paid by the non-awarded party of the dispute. You agree that the final determination issued by Bees for Bees in good faith shall be binding between you and the other party to the Online Transaction, and therefore, Bees for Bees shall not have any liability or responsibility whatsoever in connection with assisting the parties to the Online Transaction during the process of resolving the relevant dispute, nor shall have any responsibility or liability in connection with the final determination issued by Bees for Bees. Further, we do not warrant that the supporting documentation that the parties to the dispute submit will be true, complete or accurate.  You agree not to hold Bees for Bees and our affiliates liable for any material which is untrue or misleading. You agree to release and indemnify Bees for Bees (and our agents, affiliates, directors, officers and employees) from all claims, lawsuits, actions, proceedings, costs, expenses and/or damages (including without limitation any actual, special, incidental or consequential damages) arising out of or in connection with such dispute, and with the appointment of Bees for Bees as a good faith third party to the dispute to make the relevant determination.

7.17 You expressly acknowledge and agree that Bees for Bees shall have the full power, authority and discretion to reject or cancel an Online Transaction without any liability for any losses or damages arising out of or in connection with such refusal or cancellation and to make a determination on any dispute between Buyer and Seller including the remittance of the funds. You also acknowledge that this Terms and Conditions of Use may not cover all issues that may arise in connection with an Online Transaction.  You agree and accept that Bees for Bees shall have the right to modify or supplement the Terms and Conditions of Use at any time Bees for Bees considers appropriate having regard to the evidence received by us, commonly accepted principles and practices in the relevant industries and interests of both Buyer and Seller regardless whether the issue in question has been expressly addressed in the Terms and Conditions of Use.

7.18 In case of any dispute in connection with any Online Transaction, the records of Bees for Bees shall take precedence and be conclusive.

7.19 If you are required to conclude and complete an Online Transaction through an agent (e.g. a Seller may be required to engage a qualified import and export agent as its export agent), such agent is merely an agent of you, and Bees for Bees shall not be responsible for hiring such agent, nor paying or having to coordinate any related matters with respect to the Online Transaction.  If any obligations are required to be performed by the agent, you shall remain solely liable to the other party of the Online Transaction for the non-performance or default by your agent.

You agree to give all notices, provide all necessary information, materials and approval, and render all reasonable assistance and cooperation necessary for the completion of the Online Transactions and Bees for Bees provision of the Transaction Services.  If your failure to do so results in delay in the provision of any Transaction Service, cancellation of any Online Transaction, or disposal of any funds, Bees for Bees shall not be liable for any losses or damages arising from such default, delay, cancellation or disposal.

7.20 Representations and Warranties.  You represent and warrant that:

  • you will use the Transaction Services in good faith and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including laws related to anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing;
  • you are aware that in rendering any services by Bees for Bees under this Terms and Conditions of Use, Bees for Bees may advise, suggest and/or provide guidelines to you, to assist you in completing a relevant Online Transaction or in connection with any other services or activities under the Websites, in the understanding, that you acknowledge and recognize that Bees for Bees shall not be liable for any such advisory, suggestions and/or guidelines provided to you as consequence of rendering any services under this Terms and Conditions of Use;
  • all information and material you provide in connection with the use of the Transaction Services is true, lawful and accurate, and is not false, misleading or deceptive;
  • you will not use the Transaction Services to defraud Bees for Bees, our affiliates, or other members or users of the Sites or engage in other unlawful activities (including without limitation dealing in products prohibited by law);
  • in case that you are a Seller of products, you have the legitimate right and authorization to sell, distribute or export the products using the Transaction Services and such products do not infringe any third party’s rights, nor any applicable law;
  • in case that you are a Seller of products, you have good title to the products ordered under the Online Transaction, and the products meet the agreed descriptions and requirements; and
  • in case that you are a Seller of services, you will provide the services ordered with reasonable care and skills.

7.21  If you have applied for and/or used the Transaction Services of Bees for Bees, you acknowledge and agree that Bees for Bees shall have the right to use the information collected about you and your Online Transactions pursuant to the Privacy Policy, including but not limited to your credit information, business information, personal information (such as applicant name and home address) and financial information (the “Collected Information”) to facilitate the administration, processing, and operation of your use of the Services, and for all other uses described in the Privacy Policy.  In connection with your use of the Transaction Services, Bees for Bees may use the Collected Information in the manner set out in the Privacy Policy and/or the Terms and Conditions of Use.

7.22     Dispute Rules.

7.22.1 The following dispute rules are formulated to protect the rights and interests of the Buyer and the Seller with respect to Online Transactions on the Websites.

7.22.2 When a dispute arises between the Buyer and the Seller after they have conducted an Online Transaction through the Websites, if either party submits their disputes to Bees for Bees, the following rules in this Section 7.22 will apply.

7.22.3 If the Buyer and the Seller otherwise agree upon the rules for handling the transaction disputes, Bees for Bees has the right to decide whether rules will be applied, except the rules contradicts the rules on the Websites.

7.22.4 Notices related to disputes sent by Bees for Bees the Buyer and/or the Seller through the Websites system, official communication tools constitute the basis for deciding the disputes. 

7.22.5 For purposes of this Section 7.22, the following terms shall have the meaning attributable to them as follows:

Customs Detention” means the products are attached, confiscated, destroyed, or detained by the customs of the importing country due to reasons such as violation of restrictions imposed by the importing country, no customs clearance, declaration errors, products infringement and contraband control. 

Date of Confirmed Receipt of the Products” means the date in which the Buyer has confirmed the receipt of the Products, or if not confirmed by Buyer, the date in which the logistics services carrier confirms the delivery of the Products to Buyer (as evidenced in the relevant documents of the logistics services carrier).

Force Majeure” means circumstance or event that is unforeseeable, unavoidable, or insurmountable for the Buyer and the Seller when they enter into a contract, including but not limited to natural disasters (e.g. typhoons, heavy rain, hail, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcanic eruptions, landslides), anomalies (e.g. wars, armed conflicts, riots, uprising, fires, explosions, toxic spills, serious outbreaks), and government actions (e.g. regulation and control, expropriation, requisition). 

Inconsistent Description” means that the product name, brand, model, color, specification, quantity, material, style, function, and/or other information with respect to the products delivered by the Seller are inconsistent with the descriptions on the products detail page, the provisions of Purchase Contract, or the communication records between the Seller and Buyer. 

Infringement” means the products delivered by the Seller infringe upon the intellectual property rights of third parties.

Partial Refund” means the Seller refunds a portion of the purchase price to the Buyer after the Buyer signs for receipt of the products delivered by the Seller.

Purchase Contract” has the meaning given to such term under Section 7.6 of this Terms and Conditions of Use.

Quality Problems” means the material, craftsmanship, and/or quality of the products delivered by the Seller fails to meet the provisions of the Purchase Contract, or there is damage, functional failure, missing parts or other issues that may prevent their normal use.

Refund” means the Seller refunds the purchase price to the Buyer in whole and the Seller negotiates with the Buyer to determine whether to return the products. 

Return of Products and Refund” means Seller refunds the purchase price in whole to the Buyer after the Seller signs for receipt of the products returned by the Buyer. 

7.22.6 Application for dispute resolution shall be made within the time limit prescribed by Bees for Bees, which cannot exceed 30 calendar days after the Date of Confirmed Receipt of the Products. If the order is closed by Bees for Bees, application shall be made within thirty days of receipt of the notice that the order has been closed. If there are special provisions, such provisions shall prevail. 

7.22.7 Bees for Bees has the right to extend the time limit or not to set a time limit for accepting application for dispute resolution if, in Bees for Bees’s reasonable opinion, there is a dispute involving suspected fraud (including but not limited to false shipment, serious quality deficiencies, a large quantity of inconsistent products, and other obvious malicious non-compliance or evasion of debts) or any other circumstances that Bees for Bees considers necessary. 

7.22.8  Bees for Bees has the right to refuse to accept the following applications, and the Seller and the Buyer should resolve the dispute by themselves: 

(i)              An application for dispute resolution was not filed within the time limit; 

(ii)             The Seller and the Buyer have reached a settlement agreement and the performance thereof has been completed, but either or both of the parties has/have changed their minds, thereby resulting in a dispute; 

(iii)            The Buyer and the Seller collude in bad faith and use the Bees for Bees Websites to conduct false transactions or commit other illegal acts; 

(iv)            After a Refund is processed, the Seller needs to retrieve the products, thereby resulting in a dispute; 

(v)                         Either party claims for compensation that exceeds the amount of the Online Transaction (including purchase price, inspection fees, shipping and bank charges), unless otherwise specified; 

(vi)            Applications that Bees for Bees is unable to accept based on the evidence provided by both parties; 

(vii)           Disputes not related to the Online Transaction (including, without limitation, the products violates the product posting rules of Bees for Bees and defamation by either the Seller or the Buyer); and 

(viii)          Where these rules in Section 7.22 have special provisions about other circumstances that will not be accepted, such provisions shall prevail. 

7.22.9  The Buyer and the Seller shall provide evidence for their respective claim or defense no later than three working days after making application for dispute resolution or receiving the notice of dispute resolution from Bees for Bees, and shall undertakes that the evidence provided is authentic, complete, relevant and legitimate. Bees for Bees has the right to obtain evidence on its own or from a third party as it deems necessary, and determine the liability of the parties and the disputes based on the reasonable man standards and international trade practices. 

7.22.10            If either party submits false, altered, or forged evidence, or fails to submit evidence that meets relevant requirements within the time limit set by Bees for Bees, Bees for Bees has the right to terminate the dispute resolution process or make a decision based on the evidence submitted. 

7.22.11            The correspondences between the Buyer and the Seller via the Websites´  official chat tool will serve as basis for dispute resolution, and correspondence between the parties through other means of communication (including but not limited to offline written contracts, telephone calls, e-mails, and third-party instant chat tools) will not be the basis for the dispute resolution, unless both the Buyer and the Seller agree that such correspondence are authentic and valid.

7.22.12            Where correspondences between the Buyer and the Seller or the offline contract between the Seller and the Buyer contradict the terms in the Purchase Contract, unless otherwise agreed between the Seller and the Buyer, the terms agreed more recently shall prevail.

7.22.13            Where the Buyer and the Seller agree on liquidated damages or compensation in the Purchase Contract or during the course of their communication, if either party claims for liquidated damages or compensation for actual losses after the other party defaults, Bees for Bees will support such claim. If such liquidated damages or compensation clause contradicts the rules of the Websites, the clause which provides for a higher damages shall prevail. 

7.22.14            The Seller shall fulfill the obligation of shipping products in accordance with the shipment date, shipment method, and delivery information as stipulated in the Purchase Contract, and provide corresponding documents or certificates according to the Purchase Contract. 

7.22.15            Where the Seller fails to ship the products within the agreed shipment time, the Seller shall obtain consent from the Buyer before shipping the products. The Buyer and the Seller may reschedule the shipment date as agreed. If the Seller has not shipped the products at the time of receipt of the Refund application, the Seller shall liaise and negotiate with the Buyer, and arrange for shipment again upon mutual agreement, or ask Bees for Bees for a resolution.

7.22.16            If the products are not delivered in accordance with the Purchase Contract of this Terms and Conditions of Use, or the Buyer rejects the products, the purchase price shall be refunded. If the Seller needs to retrieve the products, it shall contact the carrier by itself to handle the return, and all the resulting expenses and risk of the products shall be borne by the Seller. 

7.22.17            In the event that the Seller ships the products in violation of the agreed shipment date and method, and that the Buyer applies for a Refund and/or return of products on the grounds of Seller’s breach of the Purchase Contract or this Terms and Conditions of Use after the Buyer has signed or taken initiative to confirm receipt of products, the Buyer shall reach an agreement with the Seller. Otherwise, Bees for Bees shall not support such Refund or Returning of Products and Refund applications, except where the Seller takes improper measures to induce the Buyer to confirm receipt of products. 

7.22.18            Where the products are not delivered due to errors in the delivery information provided by the Buyer, the Seller shall use commercially reasonable efforts to cooperate with the Buyer to modify the delivery information or provide necessary assistance, and the additional costs so incurred shall be borne by the Buyer. If the Seller fails to ship the products on the agreed shipment date or the products cannot be delivered on the agreed date for the reasons attributable to the Buyer. Bees for Bees shall not support Buyer’s claim against the Seller for late shipment or delivery. 

7.22.19            Where the Seller fails to ship the products on the agreed date of shipment or the products cannot be delivered on the agreed date due to an event of force majeure, and the Parties fail to agree on the continuous performance of the contract, the purchase price shall be refunded. 

7.22.20            The Buyer shall accept the delivery of products in accordance with the Purchase Contract at the address, and in the manner as agreed upon with the Seller. The Buyer shall personally sign the receipt of products, or ask others to do so on his/her behalf, or instruct the carrier to place the products at the designated place. If the recipient entrusts another person to sign the receipt of products or instructs the carrier to place the products at a designated place, the Buyer shall be deemed to have signed the receipt of products by itself and the risk of the loss of the products shall be borne by the Buyer. If the Buyer claims that it has not signed receipt of products by itself, the Seller shall assume the burden of proof to prove the otherwise and if the Seller is able to establish the same with relevant evidence, the risk of the loss of the products shall be borne by the Buyer. 

7.22.21            The Buyer shall ensure that the delivery information provided to the Seller is true, accurate, and valid. If any the delivery information needs to be changed, consent shall be obtained from the Seller. If the products are received by others, lost, or damaged due to errors or omissions in the delivery information provided by the Buyer, the Buyer shall bear the losses.

7.22.22            If the Buyer is in breach of the provisions relating to the receipt of products as stipulated in this Section 7.22 and the products are returned to the Seller as a result, the Buyer shall compensate the Seller for the actual losses, provided that the maximum amount shall not exceed the contract amount; if the products are received by others, damaged, or lost, the Buyer shall pay the Seller. 

7.22.23            Where, after the Purchase Contract takes effect, the Buyer terminates the contract or applies for Refund without cause, the Buyer shall compensate the Seller for the actual losses, provided that the maximum amount thereof does not exceed the contract amount. 

7.22.24            Where the Seller is responsible for shipping the products and ship the products through commercial express, the Buyer shall examine the appearance of the outer packaging of the products on the spot when the carrier delivers the products. If the products are damaged, the Buyer should reject the products after taking a photo as evidence; if the Buyer applies for Returning of Products and/or Refund due to damage to products after signing receipt of products, the Buyer shall provide the damage certificate issued by the carrier. If the Buyer and the Seller separately agree on the inspection period and/or the inspection method, such agreement shall prevail. 

7.22.25            Where the Seller is responsible for shipping the products and ship the products through commercial express, the Seller shall be responsible for the risk and expenses incurred by the return of products due to damage. 

7.22.26            The Buyer may inspect whether the quality of the Seller’s products is consistent with relevant provisions of the Purchase Contract in accordance with agreed inspection standards, inspection institution, and inspection method. If the parties have not clearly agreed upon inspection in advance and cannot reach an agreement through negotiation, Bees for Bees may designate a third-party inspection institution to inspect the products in accordance with applicable industry standards, and the resulting inspection costs shall be borne by the liable party as determined by Bees for Bees.

7.22.27            The parties agree to inspect products prior to shipment. If the products are found to have quality problem or their quality is inconsistent with the provisions of the Purchase Contract upon inspection, the Seller shall take remedial measures within the period agreed by both the Buyer and Seller or otherwise determined by Bees for Bees, otherwise, Bees for Bees shall support the Refund application by the Buyer. If the Buyer and the Seller otherwise reach an agreement through consultation, such agreement shall prevail. 

7.22.28            If the Buyer and the Seller agree to inspect the products after they are shipped to the destination or after the Buyer receives them, the Buyer shall inspect the products within the agreed time limit. If the products are found to have quality problems or their quality is inconsistent with the standards agreed in the Purchase Contract, Bees for Bees shall support the Returning of Products and Refund or Partial Refund application, and the expenses resulting from such returning of products shall be borne by the Seller, and if the Buyer and the Seller otherwise reach an agreement, such agreement shall prevail. 

7.22.29            Where a sampling inspection is agreed by both the Buyer and the Seller, the specific sampling inspection ratio shall be in accordance with the Purchase Contract or the agreement reached by the parties. If said ratio has not been agreed upon, Bees for Bees has the right to determine the sampling inspection ratio pursuant to standard market terms, and if a product fails to pass the sampling inspection, such entire batch of products shall be deemed as substandard. 

7.22.30            After the Buyer and the Seller reach an agreement for the returning or replacement of products, the returning address shall be the same as the sender’s address. If the returning address or returning method needs to be changed, consent shall be obtained from the Buyer, otherwise the risk of products not being delivered after they are returned shall be borne by the Seller. If the Buyer has practical difficulties in applying for the returning of products, Bees for Bees may require the Seller to go through the procedures for returning products on its own, and the Buyer shall provide necessary assistance. 

7.22.31            If the Buyer and the Seller have reached an agreement offline for returning or replacement of products, the Buyer shall handover the returned products to the carrier within the agreed time limit. If the deadline for returning is not expressly prescribed, such products shall be handover to the carrier no later than 15 days as from the next day of the date on which the agreement for returning of products is reached. If the prescribed time limit expires, the Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted the products, and in such a case, Bees for Bees shall support payment to the Seller.

7.22.32            After the Buyer handovers the returned products to the carrier, when the products have been returned to the customs of the exporting country, the Seller needs to cooperate with customs clearance and be liable for costs resulting from customs clearance, otherwise the risk of loss of the products shall be borne by the Seller, and in such a case, Bees for Bees shall support the refund of purchase price to the Buyer. 

7.22.33            Where the parties reach an agreement on returning or replacement of products or Bees for Bees orders the Buyer to return the products, if the Buyer cannot properly complete the returning of products for reasons attributable to the Seller, the risk of the products being not returned to the Sellers shall be borne by the Seller, and in such a case, Bees for Bees shall support the Refund application by the Buyer. Where the Seller has not received the returned products or the Seller refuses to sign receipt of products returned for the reasons attributable to the Buyer, Bees for Bees shall support payment to the Seller. 

7.22.34            If the Buyer applies for a refund of the products which are detained by customs, the Buyer shall submit a valid certificate for the detention of the products within the time limit set by Bees for Bees. Bees for Bees will determine allocation of liabilities for detention of products according to the customs detention certificate and the provisions of the contract between the parties, and require the liable party to take remedial measures within a certain time limit. 

7.22.35            If the products cannot pass customs clearance smoothly due to reason attributable to the Buyer, and the Buyer fails to take remedial measures within the time limit set by Bees for Bees, Bees for Bees shall support payment to the Seller, and the risk of the products not being able to be delivered to the Buyer shall be borne by the Buyer; If remedial measures are not taken within the prescribed time limit for the reasons attributable to the Seller, Bees for Bees shall support Refund to the Buyer, and the risk of the products not being able to returned to the Seller shall be borne by the Seller. 

7.22.36            Fines, warehousing fees, shipping costs for returning products, and other losses resulting from detention of products by the customs shall be borne by the liable party as determined by Bees for Bees, and if said losses are otherwise agreed upon by the Parties, such agreement shall prevail. 

7.22.37            Any dispute arising between the Seller and the Buyer in respect of freight fees shall first be resolved according to the provisions of the Purchase Contract between the parties. If the freight fees are not prescribed or clearly prescribed in the contract, Bees for Bees will determine the allocation of liabilities  according to the principle of “either party who is at fault is liable”, and if both parties are not at fault or the liability cannot be determined, the freight shall be equally shared by both parties. 

7.22.38            Where the Buyer claims that the quality problem and inconsistency in description of the products delivered are identifiable with naked eyes, the Buyer shall first provide photos, videos, or other evidence approved by Bees for Bees to prove it. The Seller shall then provide evidence and reasonable explanations establishing that the products do not have quality problems or Inconsistent Descriptions or the reasons for such issues are not attributable to the Seller. If the Seller fails to submit the valid evidence within the specified time limit, Bees for Bees shall determine that the products have quality problems or Inconsistent Descriptions. 

7.22.39            Where the Buyer claims that the quality problems of the delivered products are not identifiable with naked eyes, the Buyer shall provide a testing report or identification certificate issued by a qualified institution as required by Bees for Bees. Where the Buyer and the Seller agree in advance in the contract that the test results obtained by the third-party testing agency shall be treated as the basis for determining quality, Bees for Bees will determine the quality in accordance with the test results. 

7.22.40            If the Buyer claims that the products delivered infringe upon the rights of others, the Seller shall provide evidence proving the legal source or effective authorization of the products. If the Seller is able to discharge its burden of proof, the Buyer shall submit evidence for its claim. If the Buyer is unable to provide such evidence, Bees for Bees shall determine that the products do not infringe upon the rights of others. 

7.22.41            Where the evidence provided by the Seller and the Buyer cannot establish whether the products have quality problems or infringe upon the rights of others, Bees for Bees has the right to designate a qualified third-party testing or appraisal agency to conduct testing and appraisal, and the results of the said testing or appraisal shall be treated as the basis for identification. 

7.22.42            Where the products delivered by the Seller have quality problems, Inconsistent Descriptions, or infringement issue, Bees for Bees shall support Returning of Products and Refund to the Buyer. If the products cannot be returned due to its nature, the objective conditions, or the restrictions under local laws and regulations, Bees for Bees shall support Refund, and the Seller shall contact the Buyer on its own in order to handle products. 

7.22.43            Where part of the products delivered by the Seller have quality problems, Inconsistent Descriptions, or minor defects or flaws that do not affect the main functions of the products, Bees for Bees shall support Partial Refund. 

7.22.44            Where the Seller and the Buyer have agreed on the testing and appraisal costs in respect of quality problem and infringement issue of the products in the Purchase Contract, such agreement shall prevail. If the testing and appraisal agency has not been agreed upon by the Parties or if Bees for Bees has designated a testing or appraisal agency, Bees for Bees has the right to determine the proportion in sharing the relevant expenses so incurred according to the degree of liability. 

7.22.45            Bees for Bees has the right to terminate the dispute resolution process when one of the following circumstances occurs during the dispute resolution process: 

(i)        The dispute does not fall within the scope of acceptance stipulated in these Section 7.22 and exceeds the period of acceptance specified in these Section 7.22;

(ii)       The party applying for dispute resolution requests for withdrawal of the application; 

(iii)      The arbitration institution or competent court that has jurisdiction over the dispute involved has rendered an award or judgement; 

(iv)      Both the Buyer and the Seller agree to resolve the dispute through consultation; 

(v)       Either party notifies Bees for Bees that the dispute has been submitted to an arbitration institution or court of competent jurisdiction for arbitration or trial or both parties have agreed to submit the dispute to other trade dispute settlement institution for settlement; 

(vi)      In case of a dispute arising from an Online Transaction in which the Buyer has chosen credit card or e-checking as payment method, the Buyer applies to the card issuer for chargebacks for the transaction in dispute while applying to Bees for Bees for dispute resolution; 

(vii)     Either party violate other rules of Bees for Bees;

(viii)    Either party submits evidences that are not authentic or are forged or altered or otherwise violate applicable laws and regulation. 

7.22.46            If there are particular provisions governing dispute resolution in the official activity rules or other specific types of trading rules of the Websites, such provisions shall apply.

7.22.47            The Online Transactions that have not been processed after these Section 7.22 take effect or are modified shall be governed by such effective or modified rules. 

7.22.48            Bees for Bees will from time to time amend these Section 7.22, and the content of said amendments will take effect upon expiration of the public announcement. 

Sección 8. Payments of Online Transactions.

8.1 Upon your acceptance to the present Terms and Conditions, Sellers appoint Bees for Bees as Depository of the funds resulting from the Online Transactions and pursuant to article 338 of the Commercial Code (Código de Comercio) they authorize Bees for Bees to contribute such funds to the Trust Agreement.


In the understanding that, all payments of an Online Transaction shall be received on the Trust Accounts, accounts that will serves as the payment mechanism for the purposes established hereunder.


8.2 When submitting payments for an Online Transaction, payments are processed through the Trust Accounts. You expressly acknowledge and agree that if for purposes of completing an Online Transaction, you may provide Bees for Bees and/or the Trustee, in the terms established by them ,with any additional documentation of information of you and you may be required, if necessary under the Trust Agreement (if applicable) or applicable law, to complete any transfers to Buyer and/or Seller, as the case may be. Likewise, You agree to inform Bees for Bees of any change in your bank accounts in order to receive any resources from the Trust Accounts, in the understanding that Bees for Bees and / or the Trustee will not be responsible for any transfers,  in case that You have not notified a change in your bank accounts, therefore, any transfers made to the last registered bank account will be, for all legal purposes under this terms and conditions, the valid bank account and the authorized bank account You authorize Bees for Bees and / or the Trustee to operate any transfers under this terms and conditions. You hereby expressly authorize Bees for Bees to disclose any information of you, to, among others the Trustee, upon the request for registration on the Websites, only for the purposes of completing a transfer required under an Online Transaction, even after such has been completed, and expressly releases Bees for Bees and the Trustee for any responsibilities or liabilities in connection with such disclosure.


Moreover, you authorize the Trustee to inform any Authority about any Online Transaction as requested by such Authority, pursuant to the applicable law.


The Seller agrees that the Buyer’s full payment of the purchase price related to an Online Transaction transferred into the Trust Accounts, constitutes final payment to the Seller extinguishing Buyer’s payment obligation to Seller as if the Buyer had paid the Seller directly, even if the payment is not received by Seller. Bees for Bees, and not the Buyer, is solely liable to the Seller for transferring to Seller the purchase price from the Trust Accounts, so long as a Transfer Event (as defined below) occurs. The payment must be made in US Dollars or any other currencies as supported by Bees for Bees at the time of the Online Transaction. Buyers will receive a receipt upon payment that will indicate that payment has been made on the applicable date. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provisions under the Trust Agreement (if applicable) or applicable law, you expressly recognize that the transfers made into the Trust Accounts are solely for the benefit of Seller and Buyer to grant confidence to such Seller and Buyer for the duly completion of the Online Transaction.


By using the Websites, you expressly waive any responsibility of the Trustee, who shall act as such, exclusively pursuant to the Trust Agreement.


8.3 The Trust Accounts shall retain the funds received in connection with an Online Transaction until, as agreed hereby between the Seller and Bees for Bees, the first of any of the following events occurs (each, a “Transfer Event”):


  • the Buyer’s confirmation of a successful completion of the Online Transaction, in which case all the funds, deducting the corresponding fees and commissions, will be transferred to the Seller;
  • the Buyer’s failure to confirm receipt of the goods or services within the time limit prescribed by the Seller and as agreed with Bees for Bees, in which case all the funds will be transferred to Seller;
  • cancellation of the Online Transaction, in which case all the funds will be refunded to Buyer;
  • the conclusion of any settlement agreement between the Buyer and the Seller, in which case the funds will be disposed in accordance with such settlement agreement;
  • a dispute in relation to the Online Transaction has been submitted to Bees for Bees for a determination and such determination has become final and binding, in which case the funds will be disposed in accordance with such determination;
  • Bees for Bees receives any order, ruling, award or judgment from a competent court, arbitration tribunal or authority which directs us to release the funds, in which case the funds will be disposed in accordance with such order, ruling, award or judgment; and
  • In the event that the Products are ready to be delivered by Seller and Buyer has not provided the necessary instructions for delivery, within 45 (forty five) calendar days counted from the date in which Seller provided notice to Buyer, any funds or forward payment received by the Trust Accounts, shall be released to Seller.

If you are a Buyer, you acknowledge and agree that Bees for Bees is not holding any funds on your behalf, or in any escrow or trust relationship with you, and you expressly authorize and agree that such amounts transfer into the Trust Accounts shall serve for the purposes established in this Section.


If you are a Seller, you acknowledge and agree that you have appointed Bees for Bees as Depository of the finds, authorizing the contribution to the Trust for the purpose of holding such funds and carrying out that the settlement of funds to you until a Transfer Event occurs. Nothing in this clause shall affect the fact that Buyer’s payment obligation for the Online Transaction is fully satisfied upon receipt of funds in the Trust Accounts.


8.4 When releasing any funds to Seller or Buyer from the Trust Accounts, the Trustee shall have the right to deduct or withhold any financial charges or service fees due and payable to Bees for Bees.


8.5 Any unclaimed funds will be held in the Trust Accounts for a period of five (5) years, at the expiry of which time, you the Seller will be deemed to have waived any claim in respect of such funds or, if required by applicable laws, we will transfer the funds (less any fees, if any and to the extent permitted under applicable laws) to the public charity. You hereby agree that upon expiry of such period or upon such transfer of such funds to the relevant public charity, Bees for Bees and the Trustee will be relieved of any further obligation to transfer those unclaimed funds to you.


8.6 In the event a Buyer selects to make payment by a debit or credit card in connection with an Online Transaction, the Buyer hereby authorizes Bees for Bees or its affiliates to charge that card to obtain the necessary funds to be deposited in the Trust Accounts.


8.7 A Buyer will have the option to store his debit or credit card details in his/her account. In the event the Buyer selects such option, the information will be stored by Bees for Bees pursuant to the Privacy Policy. The Buyer hereby authorizes Bees for Bees or its affiliates to collect and store his debit or credit card information pursuant to the Privacy Policy.


8.8 You agree to give all notices, provide all necessary information, materials and approvals, and render all reasonable assistance and cooperation necessary for the provision established in this Section for purposes of satisfactory completing any transfer of funds from the Trust Accounts. If your failure to do so results in any delay in any transfer of funds or cancellation of any Online Transaction, neither Bees for Bees nor our affiliates or the Trustee (if applicable) shall be liable for any loss or damages arising from such delay. You represent and warrant that the information and materials you provide in connection with the provisions established under this Section is true, complete, lawful and accurate, and is not false, misleading or deceptive.


8.9 Registered Users´ information is provided by the Registered User themselves. Bees for Bees makes no representation or warranty with respect to the accuracy, truthfulness and completeness of the Registered Users´ information. You will be solely responsible for all consequences resulting from your own judgment and decision to use or otherwise rely on such information. You will also be liable and responsible for paying any taxes under applicable law in connection with an Online Transaction, including any taxes, if any, as a consequence of a transfer of funds from the Trust Accounts to your accounts. Neither Bees for Bees nor our affiliates or the Trustee shall be liable for paying any taxes or contributions under applicable derived from any Online Transaction. You expressly agree to indemnify and hold Bees for Bees, the Trustee (if applicable) or any of our affiliates, harmless from any claim, proceeding, investigation, litigation or any responsibility in connection with the payment of any of such taxes or contributions under an Online Transaction or as a consequence of any transfer of funds.


8.10 You expressly and irrevocably authorize Bees for Bees to offset any debt that You may have with Bees for Bees derived from any Online Transaction, from any Logistics Services and/or from any other concept that You owe to Bees for Bees pursuant to these Terms and Conditions, from any amount owed to You and deposited in the Trust Accounts, for which, You expressly authorize Bees for Bees to instruct the Trustee to make the corresponding transfers to offset such debts from the amounts deposited in the Trust Accounts.

Sección 9Logistics Services


9.1. After an Online Transaction is confirmed by the Buyer through the Websites, the Seller shall elect at least one of the following options:


  • Bees for Bees Logistics Services: Bees for Bees performs logistics, forwarding and transportation services in connection with a specific Online Transaction, to deliver the relevant products purchased under such Online Transaction (the “Logistics Services”). The Logistics Services shall be subject to the provision of this Section 9, and to such other Additional Agreement entered into by and between Bees for Bees and Seller or Buyer.


Notwithstanding the foregoing, when considered necessary, and as agreed between Bees for Bees and any Buyer, a Buyer may hire Logistics Services from Bees for Bees, in which case, the provisions of this Section 9 shall apply to such relationship between Bees for Bees and Buyer, for such specific Logistics Services. For all purposes of this Section 9, the person hiring any Logistics Services shall be referred to hereinafter as the “Logistics Services Client”.


  • Third-Party Logistics Services: Seller or Buyer directly, at its sole cost and responsibility, engages one or more third-party contractors for the purpose of delivering the relevant products under such Online Transaction from place of shipping to the final destination as agreed by Seller and Buyer (the “Third-Party Logistics Services”). Seller and/or Buyer shall be responsible for directly agreeing and accepting the terms and conditions of the Third-Party Logistics Services, and Bees for Bees shall not have any relationship of any nature, with such third-party contractor, nor any responsibility or liability under such relationship, being understood that Seller and/or Buyer shall be directly responsible and liable between them in connection with the forwarding, transportation and delivery of the relevant products purchased under such Online Transaction. In view of the foregoing, for all third-party contractors, you acknowledge and agree that such third-party contractors are engaged at your own discretion and cost (in your capacity as Seller and/or Buyer, as the case may be) and that you will not hold Bees for Bees and our affiliates and agents liable for any losses, damages, claims, liabilities, failure to deliver, costs or expenses arising from the services of such third-party contractor. In this case, Seller and/or Buyer shall be obliged to hire the applicable insurances for the Online Transaction.


9.2 Unless otherwise provided in Clauses 9.3. to 9.4. below, all of the Logistics Services whether provided free of charge or not, shall be provided by Bees for Bees subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use and the Terms and Conditions for the Logistics Services. Bees for Bees shall not be responsible, for any Third-Party Logistics Services.


9.3 When a document is issued by or on behalf of Bees for Bees and carries the title of or includes the words “bill of lading” whether negotiable or not, or “route sheet” whether by land, sea or air and establishes that Bees for Bees has hired a Person for the transportation, and such documents are not compatible with this Terms and Conditions for the Logistics Services, such documents shall prevail over this Terms and Conditions for the Logistics Services, exceptionally.


9.4 If Bees for Bees and the Logistics Services Client have executed an agreement negotiated among the parties thereof, that includes among others, the terms and conditions for the Logistics Services generally accepted for such Logistics Services, then such terms and conditions shall remain in full force and effect, in the understanding that such agreement shall prevail over this Terms and Conditions for the Logistics Services so long as such terms are inconsistent with this Terms and Conditions for the Logistics Services.


9.5. Obligations and Guaranties of the Logistics Services Client:


9.5.1. Logistics Services Client guaranties to be the Owner or Agent of the Owner of the Products and is authorized to accept and accepts this Terms and Conditions for the Logistics Services, not only for himself but also as Agent of and on behalf of the Owner. In the event that the Logistics Services Client is acting as Agent on behalf of the Owner, the Owner shall be jointly liable for the compliance of Logistics Services Client with all of this Terms and Conditions for the Logistics Services. 


9.5.2. The Logistics Services Client and any other Person acting in the name of and on behalf of the Logistics Services Client shall provide Bees for Bees with due, sufficient and practicable instructions, as well as all the details and necessary documents so that Bees for Bees may provide the Logistics Services, including, among others, licenses, description and details of the Products, their nature, classification, maintenance unit, transshipment method, storage conditions, transportation conditions, temperature and humidity requirements, among others. Logistics Services Client guaranties the accuracy and integrity of such information and documentation.


9.5.3. The Logistics Services Client guaranties that the Products shall be duly packed, classified, sealed, labeled, addressed and in adequate conditions for air, land or sea transport, except in the event that Bees for Bees has agreed in writing to undertake any responsibilities in connection with the packaging and/or labeling, and in general, responsible to comply with all applicable laws and regulations applicable to Logistics Services Client, to the relevant Online Transaction, the Products, and its obligations under the Logistics Services. Logistics Services Client expressly agree and acknowledge that Bees for Bees may provide advisory, suggestions, and/or guidelines for Logistics Services Client to perfect an Online Transaction using the Logistics Services, in the understanding that such advisory, suggestions and/or guidelines are provided by Bees for Bees in good faith, being Logistics Services Client responsible to directly, by its own, confirm any and all requirements under applicable laws and regulations, to perfect an Online Transaction. Bees for Bees shall not be liable for any violation of Logistics Services Client to the provisions under this paragraph, or for any advisory, suggestions and/or guidelines provided to Logistics Services Client as consequence of rendering Logistics Services.


9.5.4. Logistics Services Client guaranties that it shall comply with the applicable law and regulations in connection with any Logistics Services and this Terms and Conditions for the Logistics Services and carry out business in an ethical and legal manner at all times.


9.6. Rights and Obligations of Bees for Bees in Connection with the Logistics Services.


9.6.1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, Bees for Bees shall have the right to enter into any agreements on its own behalf without the Logistics Services Client’s prior authorization or notice to the Logistics Services Client: (a) for the transportation of Products by any route, means or Person; (b) for the transportations of any Products of any kind, whether in Containers or not, on or beneath the deck of any ship; (c) for the storage, packaging, transfer, loading, unloading and handling of Products by any Person or on any place, whether by land or sea, within any time frame; (d) for the transportation, storage of Products in Containers and with other similar items; (e) for the compliance of its own obligations and to carry out the activities that Bees for Bees may consider necessary or incidental for the performance of Bees for Bees’ obligations.


9.6.2. Bees for Bees shall have the right (without incurring in any additional responsibility), but not the obligation, to not follow Logistics Services Client’s instructions if it considers there is good reason to do so, for the Logistics Services Client’s best interest.


9.6.3. Bees for Bees may at any moment comply with the orders and recommendations provided by any authority, the liability and obligations of Bees for Bees in connection with the Products shall cease with the delivery of such according to such orders or recommendations.


9.6.4. If at any time Bees for Bees consider it reasonable not to carry out the transportation, continue the transportation, or only continue after undertaking the necessary incidental measures or incurring in additional risks or expenses, in which case Bees for Bees shall have the right to: (a) abandon the transportation of such Products, carry out the necessary incidental measures, or incur in additional expenses, as long as it is reasonably necessary to allow that the transportation is carried out later; and (b) to be reimbursed by the Logistics Services Client for the expenses resulting from all of the incidental additional measures and/or any additional costs and expenses incurred as consequence of the before mentioned.


9.6.5. Bees for Bees (or any other Person hired by Bees for Bees) may at any time contact the Logistics Services Client or the Buyer to receive the Products in any given time and place determined for such purpose, or part of such Products, if the delivery cannot be carried out in the assigned time and place, Bees for Bees shall have the right to store the Products at Logistics Services Client’s own risk and expense.


9.6.6. Bees for Bees shall have the right to cause the Logistics Services Client to comply with any responsibilities and obligations of this Terms and Conditions for the Logistics Services or to recover any amounts owed that have not been paid, upon the request of Bees for Bees.


9.6.7. The Logistics Services Client shall carry out their business in an ethical and legal manner, and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.


9.7. Responsibility of the Logistics Services Client for Accurate Information: It shall be considered that the Logistics Services Client has guaranteed to Bees for Bees the accuracy, in the moment on which Bees for Bees took charge of the Products, of the description of the Products, including, among others, their brand, serial number, quantity, weight as provided by the Logistics Services Client, and Logistics Services Client shall defend and hold Bees for Bees safe and harmless against any losses, damages and expenses that may arise or result from the lack of accuracy of such information. For the Products shipped in Containers, the weight provided by the Logistics Services Client shall comply with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea unless otherwise agreed in writing with Bees for Bees.


9.8. Dangerous Products: Unless otherwise agreed in writing, Logistics Services Client shall not deliver to Bees for Bees or cause Bees for Bees to handle or manage Dangerous Products. If Logistics Services Client breaches the provisions under this Section: (a) Logistics Services Client shall be liable of all the losses and damages caused by, to or in connection with the Products notwithstanding the cause; (b) Logistics Services Client shall defend, and hold Bees for Bees safe and harmless of any fines, claims, damages, costs and expenses that may arise in connection with this Section; and (c) Bees for Bees (or any other Person that may have custody of the Products at an specific times), may at its own discretion cause the Products to be destroyed or handled differently. In which case it shall not be required to notify the intent to destroy or dispose of the Products.


9.9. Products that Require Temperature Regulation: Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Logistics Services Client shall not deliver to Bees for Bees, not cause Bees for Bees to take custody or handle Products that require temperature control without prior written notice regarding the nature and specific temperature required. In the event a controlled temperature Container is loaded by or on behalf of Logistics Services Client, Logistics Services Client also undertakes that: (a) the Container has been pre-cooled or pre-heated correctly, as applicable; (b) The Products that have been previously cooled or preheated in an adequate manner and duly placed in the Container; and (c) the temperature controls of the Container have been configured correctly by the Logistics Services Client. If such requirements are not met, Bees for Bees shall not be liable for any losses of damages to the Products that may result from such breach.


9.10 Unless otherwise agreed in writing Bees for Bees shall not be bound to deliver or allow the delivery of Products without the due payment or the delivery of a specific document. In the event that Bees for Bees agrees to deliver or allow the delivery of the Products without the due payment or the delivery of a specific document, Bees for Bees shall be responsible only of acting with reasonable diligence and care. Bees for Bees’s liability in connection with the Logistics Services shall be subject to Section 9.19 hereof, and shall be limited to the lack of diligence or due care in the delivery of the Products with the due payment or the delivery of an specific document, up to the maximum amount of the invoice value of the Products at the time on which they were received by Bees for Bees. 


9.11. Unless otherwise agreed in writing for the Products to be delivered or picked up in a particular date or time, Bees for Bees does not undertake any responsibility in connection to the dates and times for the delivery, pick up or shipping, the Estimated Time Of Arrival (ETA), Estimated Time of Delivery (ETD) or any other time or date shall not be understood as any guaranty by Bees for Bees.


9.12. Customs Services:


9.12.1. Bees for Bees shall only carry out the custom services as a Direct Representative, the Logistics Services Client agrees that it shall have the ultimate duty to pay all of the customs fees, special taxes, fines and interests in connection with the import and/or export of Products and indemnify and hold Bees for Bees safe and farmless of any liability incurred on by Bees for Bees or any person or entity acting on its behalf, as well as any cost or expense (including reasonable attorneys-in-fact fees and expenses) related to the defense from such liability.


9.12.2. Bees for Bees shall only act as an Indirect Representative for the Logistics Services Client, if the Logistics Services Client has provided Bees for Bees with the adequate assurances against any possible liability of Bees for Bees for any tariff, custom fees, special taxes, fees, or owed interests in connection with the import and/or export of Products, such as a bank guaranty, corporate guaranty or any other guaranty agreed in writing. Bees for Bees may at any time cease performing the customs services, if Bees for Bees at its sole discretion considers the guaranty provided is insufficient or inadequate.


9.13. Export Controls:


9.13.1. The Logistics Services Client shall ensure that the Products are exported and imported in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.


9.13.2. Moreover, the Logistics Services Client shall perform all the necessary controls and due diligence for the parties involved and Logistics Services Client shall ensure that the Products and the parties involved in the import and/or export are not subject to restrictions, confiscations or any other legal limitations under applicable laws and regulations. It is the Logistics Services Client´s obligation to obtain and provide to Bees for Bees in a timely manner all the licenses, registrations and permits required for the importation, exportation, transit and retransfer related to the Products.


9.13.3. Bees for Bees may refuse to provide the Storage Services and shipping services due to export control problems as Bees for Bees deems reasonable: (i) that the origin, destination or transit country is a restricted or prohibited country; (ii) the Products are considered a restricted item; (iii) any of the parties involved is subject to any restrictions; or (iv) the licenses obtained or provided by the Logistics Services Client are incorrect, insufficient or incomplete.


9.13.4. Bees for Bees shall adhere to all of applicable laws, regulations and permits in connection with the export controls when performing the Logistics Services that may involve restricted or prohibited, Products, countries or parties.


9.13.5. The Logistics Services Client shall indemnify Bees for Bees for all the costs, charges, fines, legal fees that may arise of or in connection with the Logistics Services due to de negligence, willful misconduct or breach of the obligations of the Logistics Services Client under this Terms and Conditions for the Logistics Services.


9.13.6. Bees for Bees directly, or through any of its affiliates, subsidiaries or third-party contractors, shall have the right to either, at its discretion, inspect the Products prior to its shipping and delivery to the relevant carrier, or after the Products have arrived to the final destination, to determine and confirm the quality and specifications of the Products, and its compliance with applicable laws and regulations, in which case, the relevant Additional Agreements shall specify the moment in which such inspection shall take place. Bees for Bees shall not be liable of any of the delays caused by such inspections carried out by Bees for Bees or in its name or behalf for the purpose of investigation possible violations to the export control regulations.


9.14. Subcontractors: Bees for Bees shall have the right, at any time, to subcontract or hire, services providers, subcontractors and/or agents to perform any or all of the Logistics Services acting on its behalf, or on its own behalf with the Logistics Services Client. The Logistics Services Client agrees not to make any claim against any server, subcontractor, or agent of Bees for Bees in order to assign or try to assign any liability in connection with the Products.


9.15. Payment of Fees for the Logistics Services:


9.15.1. The Logistics Services Client shall pay the Fees for Logistics Services as remuneration for the Logistics Services rendered. Unless otherwise agreed, any initial quote for Fees for Logistics Services issued by Bees for Bees to any Logistics Services Client shall be valid for the period of 8 (eight) days following such issuance. In any moment following the aforementioned period, Bees for Bees may review the Fees for Logistics Services and notify any updates to such Fees for Logistics Services, in which case, such updated Fees for Logistics Services shall become effective as of the notice date.


9.15.2. Unless otherwise agreed by the Logistics Services Client and Bees for Bees, the Logistics Services Client shall pay any invoice for the relevant Fees for Logistics Services prior to delivering any Products to Bees for Bees as part of the Logistics Services, without any deduction or delay that may arise from any claim or compensation.


9.15.3. The Fees for Logistics Services does not include applicable value added tax, customs fees, tariffs and any other taxes in connection with the Products, which shall be the exclusive responsibility of the Logistics Services Client.


9.15.4. If Bees for Bees carries out any payment and/or expense on behalf of the Logistics Services Client in connection with any taxes, tariffs, or any other charges, including among others, custom expenses, derived form a late payment, such shall be paid by the Logistics Services Client immediately upon the request of Bees for Bees.


9.15.5. Bees for Bees may charge the Logistics Services Client with any direct or indirect additional fees and costs, such as, among others, waiting time, delays, additional or unexpected storage, handling during transportation or failed attempts to pick up or deliver the merchandise, which cannot be attributed to Bees for Bees. The Logistics Services Client shall not be entitled to request a decrease or discount on any Fees for Logistics Services in case of any waiting time, delays, or failed attempts to pick up or deliver the merchandise, when such events are not directly attributable to Bees for Bees.


9.15.6. If Bees for Bees receives instructions to charge any fees, tariffs, charges or any other expenses of any Person different from the Logistics Services Client, the Logistics Services Client shall still be responsible of such amounts; and shall pay them upon the request of Bees for Bees, when such amounts are due and have not been paid by another Person.


9.15.7. Bees for Bees and/or its affiliates reserve the right to, at the cost of the Logistics Services Client, and at any time, hire any insurance for the Logistics Services Client and/or its affiliates to cover the amounts that the Logistics Services Client and/or its affiliates may owe Bees for Bees in connection with the Logistics Services.


9.16. Insurance: Logistics Services Client shall be responsible for hiring any insurance required by law, market uses and business practices in the industry. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, Bees for Bees shall not hire any insurance for the Products been transported, handled or stored, and such obligation shall correspond exclusively to Logistics Services Client. Since Bees for Bees’ liability is limited to the provisions of Section 9.19 hereof, Bees for Bees encourages Logistics Services Client to hire insurance for the Products.


9.17. General Indemnity:


9.17.1. Subject to the provisions of Section 9.19  below, Bees for Bees shall hold the Logistics Services Client safe and harmless and release of a any responsibility and, upon the request of the Logistics Services Client, defend him as well as its officer, directors, and employees against any third party claims due to the negligence, gross negligence or willful misconduct of Bees for Bees, that may cause any damages to property, injury or death of such third party. If Logistics Services Client wished to exercise such right Logistics Services Client shall notify such claim to Bees for Bees.


9.17.2. The Logistics Services Client shall be liable, and keep Bees for Bees safe and harmless and, at the request of Bees for Bees, defend Bees for Bees, its officers, managers and employers, of any claims by a third party, due to the breach of the obligation assumed pursuant to this Section, negligence, gross negligence or willful misconduct by the Logistics Services Client or any Person acting in its name and behalf of the Logistics Services Client, causing and damages, losses injury or death to such third party.


9.17.3. Moreover, the Logistics Services Client, shall be liable and shall defend and hold Bees for Bees safe and harmless and release Bees for Bees of any liability resulting from los, damages, delay, costs and expenses that may arise in connection with: (a) the negligence or willful misconduct of Logistics Services Client; (b) the nature or the inherent flaws of the Products except to the extent caused by the negligence of Bees for Bees; (c) rights, taxes, liens, deposits and advances collected by any authority in connection with the Products and/or the Containers, and for all of the debts, fines, costs, expenses, losses and damages suffered by Bees for Bees in connection thereof, unless such are the result of the negligence of Bees for Bees; (d) Bees for Bees acting pursuant to the instructions provided by the Logistics Services Client; (e) the breach of the guaranty established pursuant to this Terms and Conditions for the Logistics Services, or any obligation of the Logistics Services Client or derived of the Logistics Services Client’s negligence, or (f) any other Person based on the advice and information, in any shape or form was provided by Bees for Bees only for the Logistics Services Client.


9.17.4. The Logistics Services Client shall be liable for the loss, damage, holding or delay, before, during and after the transportation, that may result from the negligence or willful misconduct of the Logistics Services Client of: (a) Bees for Bees (including, among others, Containers); (b) the service providers, subcontractors or agents of Bees for Bees; (c) independent contractors hired by Bees for Bees for the performance of part or all of the Logistics Services; (d) any Person; (e) any ship caused by the Logistics Services Client or any Person acting in its behalf, or responsible in any other way.


9.18. Limitations to Liability:


9.18.1. Bees for Bees shall be liable for the loss, damage or delay of the Products that may occur for the moment in which the Products are delivered to Bees for Bees, until the moment on which the Products are delivered, only when the loss, damage or delay is caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of Bees for Bees.


9.18.2. Notwithstanding Section 19.1. above, Bees for Bees shall not be responsible of any losses, damages or delays derived from or inherent to one or more of the following: (a) the act or omission of the Logistics Services Client or any other Person acting on their behalf; (b) the compliance with the instructions given to Bees for Bees by the Logistics Services Client or any Person authorized to give such instructions; (c) issues related to the packaging or labeling of the Products, except when such service was provided by Bees for Bees; (d) handling, loading, unloading of the Products by the Logistics Services Client or any other Persona acting on its behalf; (e) inherent vices to the Products; (f) act or omission of any Authority, disturbances, civil commotion, strike, foreclosure or labor restriction of any nature; (g) force majeure, acts of god, fire, flood, storm, explosion or theft; and/or (h) any other cause that Bees for Bees could not prevent and the consequence thereof, that could not be avoided through a reasonable diligence.


9.18.3. Bees for Bees shall benefit from all of the rights, limitations, exclusions of liability available for the subcontractor in the agreement between Bees for Bees and the subcontractor and in any law, regulation or statute, and the liability of Bees for Bees shall not exceed the recouped amount, if any, by Bees for Bees form the subcontractor.


9.18.4. The total aggregate liability of Bees for Bees for any loss, damage or claim in connection with the performance or lack thereof of the Services or any other obligation pursuant to this Terms and Conditions of Use for Logistics Services shall not exceed the total amount of $10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Dollars 00/100, legal currency of the United States of America).


9.18.5 Except to the extent prohibited by the applicable law, under no circumstance shall Bees for Bees be liable by agreements, torts, negligence, lack of fulfillment of a legal duty, or otherwise, for any indirect or derivative damages, costs or expenses of any nature, or for the loss of real or expected profit, loss of income, loss of goodwill or business, loss of savings or any other economic loss, as the case may be, whether direct or indirect.


9.19. Notice of Losses:


9.19.1. Bees for Bees shall be notified without any unnecessary delay, in the event of any apparent losses or damages to the Products, immediately after the reception of the Products. In the case of losses and damages that are not apparent, the notice of the claim shall be given in writing within the term established in the applicable law and in the absence thereof within 7 (seven) calendar days form the day in which such were received.


9.19.2. If the Logistics Services Client does not notify within the notice period provided in Section 9.20.1 above, the Logistics Services Client shall assume the burden of proof that the damage or loss of the Products was produced before such where received. If the Logistics Services Client does not evidence such circumstance, it shall be considered that the Products have been delivered in perfect condition. 


9.19.3. The notice of claim in connection with the delay, or loss of the shipment and other matters not related to damages or losses of the Products shall be delivered within the following 14 (fourteen) days counted form the date on which the Logistics Services Client knew or should have known about such circumstances and the liability of Bees for Bees. If such notice is not delivered, Logistics Services Client shall lose its right to file any claims. 


9.20. Bees for Bees acting as Agent:


9.20.1. Bees for Bees shall notify the Logistics Services Client if Bees for Bees is acting as Agent exclusively in connection with the Logistics Services. If such notice is not given, it shall be considered that Bees for Bees is acting as Principal.


9.20.2. To the extent that Bees of Bees is acting as Agent, Bees for Bees shall not and does not intend to make any contact with the Logistics Services Client for the transportation, storage and handling of the Products, nor for any other physical services in connection thereof and Bees for Bees shall be acting exclusively on behalf of Logistics Services Client when guarantying such services through executing agreements with third parties to establish relationships between Logistics Services Client and such third parties.


9.20.3. Bees for Bees shall not be liable for the acts and omission of the third parties mentioned in Section 9.21.2 above, Bees for Bees shall only be liable if it did not carry out the due diligence while hiring the transportation services.


9.20.4. Except to the extent caused by the negligence of Bees for Bees, the Logistics Services Client shall defend and indemnify and hold harmless Bees for Bees of any liability, loss, damages, costs or expenses that may arise of any agreement executed by the Logistics Services Client, pursuant to Section 9.21.2 above.


9.21. Obstacles.


9.21.1. Bees for Bees shall carry out all reasonable efforts to perform and provide the agreed Logistics Services. If at any time, the performances of the Logistics Services is affected by an obstacle, risk or delay not attributable to Bees for Bees or the subcontractors of Bees for Bees, Bees for Bees shall not be liable for any loss, damage or delay related to the Products.


9.21.2. Any delay or failure in the performance of the Logistics Services due to an obstacle shall not be considered a breach.


9.21.3. If the obstacle continues for more than 30 (thirty) consecutive calendar days, Logistics Services Client or Bees for Bees may terminate the specific Logistics Services affected by the obstacle through written notice.

Sección 10. Limitation of Liability


To the maximum extent permitted by law, the services provided by  Bees for Bees on or through the Websites are provided “as is”, “as available” and “with all faults”, and  Bees for Bees hereby expressly disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to, any warranties of condition, quality, durability, performance, accuracy, reliability, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. All such warranties, representations, conditions, and undertakings are hereby excluded.


10.2 To the full extent permitted by applicable law Bees for Bees shall only be liable for the obligations expressly set forth in this Terms and Conditions of Use.


10.3 To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Bees for Bees makes no representations or warranties about the validity, accuracy, correctness, reliability, quality, stability, completeness or correctness of any information provided on or through the Websites;  Bees for Bees does not represent or warrant that the manufacture, importation, export, distribution, offer, display, purchase, sale and/or use of products or services offered or displayed on the sites does not violate any third party rights; and Bees for Bees makes no representations or warranties of any kind concerning any product or service offered or displayed on the Websites.


10.4 Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the Websites or Services is done at each User’s sole discretion and risk and each User is solely responsible for any damage to its own or to Bees for Bees´ computer system(s) or any loss of data that may result from the download of any such material. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by any User from Bees for Bees or through or from the Websites shall create any warranty not expressly stated herein.


10.5 The Websites may make available to User services or products provided by independent third parties.  No warranty or representation is made with regard to such services or products.  In no event shall Bees for Bees or our affiliates be held liable for any such services or products.


10.6 Each User hereby agrees to indemnify and save  Bees for Bees, our affiliates, directors, officers and employees harmless, from any and all losses, claims, liabilities (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) which may arise from such User’s access to or use of the Sites or Services (including but not limited to the display of such User’s information on the Sites) or from your breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Terms and Conditions of Use, any Additional Agreement or any other regulations or policies issued by Bees for Bees. Each User hereby further agrees to indemnify and save  Bees for Bees, our affiliates, directors, officers and employees harmless, from any and all losses, damages, claims, liabilities (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) which may arise from User’s breach of any representations and warranties made by User to  Bees for Bees.


10.7 Each User hereby further agrees to indemnify and save  Bees for Bees, our affiliates, directors, officers and employees harmless, from any and all losses, damages, claims, liabilities (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) which may arise, directly or indirectly, as a result of any claims asserted by Third Party Rights claimants or other third parties relating to products offered or displayed on the Websites. Each User hereby further agrees that Bees for Bees is not responsible and shall have no liability to you, for any material posted by others, including defamatory, offensive or illicit material and that the risk of damages from such material rests entirely with each User.  Bees for Bees reserves the right, at our own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you, in which event you shall cooperate with Bees for Bees in asserting any available defenses.


10.8  Bees for Bees shall not be liable for any special, direct, indirect, punitive, incidental or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever (including but not limited to damages for loss of profits or savings, business interruption, loss of information), whether in contract, negligence, tort, equity or otherwise or any other damages resulting from any of the following:

  1. a) the use or the inability to use the Websites or Services;

  2. b) any defect in goods, samples, data, information or services purchased or obtained from a User or any other third party through the Websites or Services;

  3. c) violation of Third Party Rights or claims or demands that User’s manufacture, importation, exportation, distribution, offer, display, purchase, sale and/or use of products or services offered or displayed on the Websites or through the Services may violate or may be asserted to violate Third Party Rights; or claims by any party that they are entitled to defense or indemnification in relation to assertions of rights, demands or claims by Third Party Rights claimants;

  4. d) unauthorized access by third parties to data or private information of any User;

  5. e) statements or conduct of any User of the Websites or Services; or;

  6. f) any matters relating to the Websites or Services, however arising, including negligence.


10.9 Notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions, the aggregate liability of Bees for Bees, our employees, agents, affiliates, representatives or anyone acting on our behalf with respect to each User for all claims arising from the access to or use of the Websites or Services during any calendar year shall be limited to the greater of (a) the amount of fees the User has paid to  Bees for Bees in exchange for the access to or use of the Websites or Services during the calendar year and (b) the maximum amount permitted under the applicable law. The preceding sentence shall not preclude the requirement by the User to prove actual damages. All claims arising from the use of the Websites or Services must be filed within one (1) year from the date the cause of action arose or such longer period as prescribed under the applicable law governing this Terms and Conditions of Use.


10.10 The limitations and exclusions of liability to you under this Terms and Conditions of Use shall apply to the maximum extent permitted by law and shall apply whether or not Bees for Bees has been advised of or should have been aware of the possibility of any such losses arising.

Sección 11. Force Majeure.


Under no circumstances shall Bees for Bees be held liable for any delay or failure or disruption of the content or the Services accessed or delivered through the Websites or the creation or fulfilment of contracts resulting directly or indirectly from acts of nature, forces or causes beyond our reasonable control, including without limitation, Internet failures, computer, telecommunications or any other equipment failures, electrical power failures, strikes, labor disputes, riots, insurrections, civil disturbances, shortages of labor or materials, fires, flood, storms, explosions, acts of God, war, governmental actions, orders of domestic or foreign courts or tribunals, or non-performance of third parties or any suspension or disruption of transportation or business operation (including but not limited to delays or disruption of the resumption of work or operation ordered by any government agency) in the event of a national or regional spread of epidemic or pandemic.

Sección 12. Intellectual Property Rights.


Bees for Bees is the sole owner or lawful licensee of all the rights and interests in the Sites and the Website Content, including but not limited to the trademarks, slogans, software, source code and domain names related to the Sites. The Website and Website Content embody trade secrets and other intellectual property rights protected under worldwide copyright, industrial property and other intellectual property laws. All title, ownership and intellectual property rights in the Website and Website Content shall remain with Bees for Bees, our affiliates or licensors, as the case may be. All rights not otherwise claimed under the Terms and Conditions of Use or by Bees for Bees are hereby reserved.


12.2 Bees for Bees and related icons and logos are registered trademarks or trademarks or service marks of Bees for Bees; in various jurisdictions and are protected under applicable copyright, trademark and other proprietary rights laws. The unauthorized copying, modification, use or publication of these marks is strictly prohibited.

12.3 Bees for Bees may have independent third parties involved in the provision of the Websites or Services (e.g., the authentication and verification service providers, among others).  You may not use any trademark, service mark or logo of such independent third parties without prior written approval from such parties.


12.4 The Registered Users, who offer and sell any goods through the Website hereby represent and warrant that:


  • Is the owner or rightful licensee of the intellectual rights on the materials and contents offered though the Website;


  • The materials or contents published on the Website are original or, if applicable, they do not breach nor violates any law or third parties’ rights;


  • They have not granted any exclusive license or right to use the materials and contents published on the Website;


  • They authorize Bees for Bees to use, publish, broadcast and/or display said materials and contents in any manner on the Website and through any media permitted by law;


  • They authorize Bees for Bees to use their names, trademarks, and any other distinctive sign, in order to provide the Services set forth herein.


12.5 In case (i) any third party claims or notifies Bees for Bees that any of the materials or contents published by any Registered User infringes or violates his/her/its intellectual property rights; or (ii) upon request issued by competent authority, Bees for Bees may take down or delete such contents and discontinue the provision of the services to the Registered User involved. The Registered User may not publish or use the same contents unless the Registered User proves that he/she/it is the owner or that he/she/it has the right to use said contents.


In case of relapse, Bees for Bess may at its sole discretion suspend or cancel the User Account of the respective Registered User. The Registered User shall hold Bees for Bees harmless from any and all damages, losses, claims and liabilities (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) which may arise from any breach to the provisions set forth in this Section.


12.6 Any breach to the provisions set forth in this Section shall be deemed as an infringement to the intellectual property rights of Bees for Bees or the affected party, and the Registered User shall be subject to the civil, administrative and criminal penalties that may be result.

Sección 13. Notices


All legal notices or demands to or upon Bees for Bees shall be made in writing and sent to Bees for Bees personally, by courier or certified mail to the following entity and address:


Manuel Caballero No. 58, Col. Obrera,

Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06800,

Ciudad de México, México.


The notices shall be effective when they are received by Bees for Bees in any of the above-mentioned manner.


13.2 All legal notices or demands to or upon a User shall be effective if either delivered personally, sent by courier, certified mail, or email to the last-known correspondence, or email address provided by the User to  Bees for Bees or by posting such notice or demand on an area of the Website that is publicly accessible without a charge. Notice to a User shall be deemed to be received by such User if and when:


  1. a) Bees for Bees is able to demonstrate that communication, whether in physical or electronic form, has been sent to such User, or

  2. b) immediately upon Bees for Bees posting such notice on an area of the Website that is publicly accessible without charge.


13.3 You agree that all agreements, notices, demands, disclosures and other communications that Bees for Bees sends to you electronically will satisfy any legal requirement that such communication should be in writing.


13.4 For notices regarding the infringement of copyrights or any intellectual property rights, same shall be sent to the following email dg@beesbeez.com, and the User shall include, at least the following information:


  1. Name of the affected party and, if applicable, the name of its legal representative;


  1. Description of the Contents or materials claimed;


  1. The title or legal interest upon the Contents or materials claimed; and


  1. Location or link to the Contents or materials claimed.


In case of any unfair notice or claim, the User may be subject to the civil or administrative penalties it may result according to applicable law. 

Sección 14. General Provisions


Subject to any Additional Agreements, the Terms and Conditions of Use constitute the entire agreement between you and Bees for Bees with respect to and govern your use of the Website and Services, superseding any prior written or oral agreements in relation to the same subject matter herein. 


14.2 Bees for Bees and you are independent contractors, and no agency, partnership, joint venture, employee-employer or franchiser-franchisee relationship is intended or created by the Terms and Conditions of Use.


14.3 If any provision of the Terms and Conditions of Use is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be deleted and the remaining provisions shall remain valid and be enforced.


14.4 Headings are for reference purposes only and in no way define, limit, construe or describe the scope or extent of such clause.


14.5 Bees for Bees’ failure to enforce any right or failure to act with respect to any breach by you under the Terms and Conditions of Use will not constitute a waiver of that right nor a waiver of Bees for Bees´ right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches.


14.6 Any services rendered by Bees for Bees do not constitute legal advice. Bees for Bees is not a law firm or a substitute for an attorney or law firm. No attorney-client relationship is created herein.


14.7 Bees for Bees shall have the right to assign the Terms and Conditions of Use (including all of our rights, titles, benefits, interests, and obligations and duties in the Terms and Conditions of Use to any person or entity (including any affiliates of Bees for Bees). You may not assign, in whole or part, the Terms and Conditions of Use to any person or entity.


14.8 This Terms and Conditions of Use shall be governed by the laws of the United Mexican States; and the parties to this Terms and Conditions of Use hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal courts of the United Mexican States, waiving to any other jurisdiction that may correspond to each party by reason their present or future domicile, or for any other reason.

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