Bees for Bees Solutions, S.A.P.I. de C.V.

In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Individuals and Entities (Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares), its Regulations, as well as the Guidelines of the Privacy Notice (Lineamientos del Aviso de Privacidad) (together the Regulations“) and in order to guarantee the privacy and the right to self-determination of information of our customers, users and / or persons who have decided to share with us their Personal Data, we inform the following:

Who is the Responsible Party for the protection of your Personal Data and where can you find them?

For everything related to the treatment of Personal Data, including financial or patrimonial data, that you have disclosed or could come to disclose as a result of the commercial or business relationship with us (hereinafter referred to simply as Personal Data) it will be considered that the person in charge is Bees for Bees Solutions, S.A.P.I. de C.V.. (hereinafter referred to as Beesbeez), domiciled in Av. Paseo de la Reforma 26, Juárez, Cuauhtémoc, 06600, México City, México, with telephone number +52 (55) 5559 0516, and will be responsible for collecting your Personal Data, the use given to such and its protection and in general its Treatment, according to the Regulations.

Which Personal Data do we collect?

The data that Beesbeez may request and, if necessary, collect and give Treatment to, are those necessary for the provision of the commercial intermediation service that you are looking for, and these Personal Data are: (i) full name with surname(s); (ii) address, comprised of street name, exterior and, if applicable, interior number, colony, territorial demarcation, city or town, state, zip code, and country, as well as the corresponding proof of address; (iii) date of birth and age; (iv) gender; (v) tax information, including, Federal Taxpayers’ Registry, proof of tax status, favorable opinion of the Tax Administration Service (Servicio de Administración Tributaria) and address for tax purposes; (vi) landline and/or mobile telephone contact; (vii) e-mail address; (viii) marital status; (ix) nationality; (x) Sole Population Registration Code (Clave Única de Registro de Población); (xi) social security number; (xii) data indicated in the official identification provided.

In addition to the Personal Data established in the previous paragraph, regarding legal entities, the following documents will be requested, which may contain Personal Data of individuals: (i) public deed, public policy or any other document evidencing the incorporation of the entity; and (ii) public deed, public policy or any other document evidencing the powers of the legal representative.

Additionally, we will request from you Personal Data considered as financial and/or patrimonial, such as your bank credit card data, bank account number, which will be used for the purpose of carrying out the necessary steps to celebrate sales transactions through the or websites.

By signing this privacy notice, you expressly grant your consent for us to treat your financial and/or patrimonial Personal Data.

If you do not give your express consent for the treatment of your Personal Data (including financial data), we may be unable to provide to you the services you have requested to hire.

We may also collect your Personal Data through electronic means (through your interaction with us on our website, via email, or through social networking sites, including Whatsapp), or by telephone.

Use of Cookies, Web Beacons or other similar technologies

BBeesbeez, through its websites and collects Personal Data automatically and simultaneously at the moment the user makes contact with them, in the understanding that the Personal Data collected in this way, will be treated according to the parameters indicated in this Privacy Notice and the Regulations. To deactivate the cookies please click here: Revocar el consentimiento

How will your Personal Data be used?

Your Personal Data will be used primarily for the following purposes that gave rise to, and are necessary to maintain and fulfill your existing or potential legal relationship with Beesbeez:

  • To register the User on the platform.
  • To carry out the relevant procedures for the performance of the services hired through the platform.
  • Process payments, i.e. send and receive funds, resulting from Online Transactions conducted through the platform owned by Beesbeez.
  • Pay or request the payment of the price corresponding to an Online Transaction. Provide the Personal Data to third parties with whom Beesbeez has a contractual relationship and that it is necessary to deliver them for the provision of hired services.
  • Identify you for the purpose of providing the Logistics Services in accordance with the Terms and Conditions. As well as for the registration and operation of such services.
  • Identify you for the purpose of issuing the corresponding invoices for the acquisition of Products or Services.
  • To evaluate the quality of the Logistics Services provided.
  • To comply with the applicable legal provisions regarding the prevention and detection of acts, omissions or operations that could favor, help, aid or cooperate with any kind for the commission of crimes under the applicable laws.
  • To promote and offer you new products that could be of interest to you, according to your profile.
  • Send information via physical mail, email, text messages (SMS and / or MMS), digital media such as Facebook, or “WhatsApp” or other similar platforms, relating to (i) the delivery status of products purchased through the platform; (ii) offers and promotions to purchase products through the platform; :(iii) conduct satisfaction surveys.
  • Sharing the Personal Data with the competent authorities in order to comply with the applicable law.
  • Share the Personal Data with third parties so that they can offer products and/or services.
  • Contact the providers of  products and/or services through the platform.
  • Create databases for administrative and organizational purposes;
  • To monitor due contractual compliance;
  • To address any complaint, question or comment from the client or user;
  • Send notifications regarding changes to this privacy notice.
  • To process the requests and make the necessary arrangements to register you in the Trust, as required.
  • Incorporate and manage your file by the Trustee.
  • The personal patrimonial or financial data shall be used only for the above mentioned purposes.

Transfer of your Personal Data. With whom do we share your Personal Data?

We also inform you that your Personal Data may be transferred for the purposes set forth in this Privacy Notice and in order to comply with our legal obligations towards you, as well as to assist you in the purchase and sale of products through the platform to users who offer or acquire products through the platform.

Including, but not limited to, your Personal Data may be transferred to the vendors of Beesbeez,including the provider or providers of Logistics Services (as such term is defined in the Terms and Conditions of Use), as well as Monex eTrust, S.A.P.I. de C.V., Banco Monex, S.A., Institución de Banca Múltiple, Monex Grupo Financiero, or any other that may substitute them as to the Trustee of the Trust , as well as any providers of the Trust for the purpose of providing the services and in accordance with the purposes listed in the previous section. At all times, the transferred Personal Data will be treated in accordance with this Privacy Notice, as well as with the privacy notices that the Trustee and the Logistics Services provider make available to you, as applicable.

If applicable, your Personal Data will also be transferred to (i) other employees, contractors, service providers and consultants of Beesbeez; (ii) affiliates, shareholders and subsidiaries of Beesbeez; (iii) external auditors that process the information on behalf of Beesbeez; (iv) authorities in Mexico, or abroad; and (v) any other person authorized by applicable law or regulation. In accordance with the provisions set forth herein, Beesbeez shall make known to such third party the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice for the purpose of safeguarding its Personal Data.

Accordingly, we require your consent to share your personal information with these individuals by checking the box on this page for your acceptance of this Privacy Notice. Such consent is revocable at any time by following the procedure for limiting use and disclosure set forth in this Privacy Notice.

Storage of your Personal Data

Beesbeez, by itself or through any of its affiliates or subsidiaries, may keep your Personal Data in databases located in the United Mexican States, without any limitation, except for the terms set forth in the applicable legislation, as well as to comply with the purposes set forth in this Privacy Notice, as well as with the provisions of the Regulations. In the protection of your Personal Data, we inform you that Beesbeez; uses a SSL security lock. [Please confirm]

In accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Notice, if Personal Data considered as sensitive is collected by Beesbeez, Beesbeez is committed to make reasonable efforts to limit the period of treatment of such data.

How can you revoke your consent?

Regardless of whether you have granted your consent for us to treat your Personal Data, it is possible, as indicated in the Regulations and in this Privacy Notice, to revoke your consent for the treatment of your Personal Data for different purposes that give rise to and are considered necessary for the existence, maintenance and fulfillment of the legal relationship, whether existing or possible, between Beesbeez and you, by contacting our Personal Data Officer at the address Manuel Caballero #58 Col. Obrera, Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc CP 06800, Ciudad de México, Estados Unidos Mexicanos.

How will Beesbeez protect your Personal Information?

Beesbeez will adopt each and every one of the administrative, physical and technical security measures necessary to safeguard your Personal Data, so that in the same way and in case a third party needs to know about such information, Beesbeez will bind such third party to comply with this Privacy Notice, as well as to adopt the administrative, physical and technical security measures established in the Regulations, in order to protect the Personal Data that you voluntarily provide us, from any damage, loss, alteration, destruction or unauthorized use, access or treatment.

Beesbeez, even after the termination of the relationship with the holder of the Personal Data, undertakes to keep the confidentiality of the same.

Your Rights – How can you access, rectify, cancel or oppose the treatment of your Personal Data?

You have the right to access your Personal Data held by us and the details of their treatment, as well as to rectify them if they are inaccurate or instruct us to cancel them when you consider that they are excessive or unnecessary for the purposes that justified their collection or to oppose their treatment for specific purposes.

If you wish to exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and/or opposition to the treatment of your Personal Data or have any doubts or comments in relation to such, you may contact the Personal Data Manager.

For the exercise of your rights established in paragraphs above, you can contact our Personal Data Manager, with address in Manuel Caballero #58 Col. Obrera, Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc CP 06800, Ciudad de México, Estados Unidos Mexicanos with telephone +52 (55) 5559 0516, or send us an email to the following email address

Any request must include your name and address to answer such request, a copy of your official identification (passport, voter’s card or driver’s license, or any other official identification with photography), a clear and precise description of the Personal Data you wish to access or rectify, cancel or oppose, and any other element that facilitates the location of your data, as well as any other requirement established by the Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals and other applicable provisions.

Beesbeez will answer to any complete request within a maximum period of 20 (twenty) calendar days or the maximum allowed by the Regulations. The response from Beesbeez shall indicate whether the request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition is appropriate and, if so, Beesbeez shall make the determination effective within 15 (fifteen) calendar days following the date on which it communicates the answer or the maximum allowed by the Regulations. The aforementioned terms may be extended as provided in the Regulations.

Beesbeez will provide electronic copies of your personal information in the event you have  exercised your right of access.

How can you limit the use or disclosure of your Personal Data?

You have the right to limit the use or disclosure of your Personal Data for purposes that are not necessary for our legal relationship, so if you no longer wish to receive communications or promotions from us, please send an e-mail or postal mail addressed to our Personal Data Manager at, indicating such situation and in order to be included in an exclusion list of which you will be given an electronic or physical record, as requested.

Likewise, you are hereby informed that you have the right to prevent us from contacting you by telephone for advertising or commercial prospecting purposes by registering with the Public  Registry to Avoid Publicity (Registro Público para Evitar Publicidad, REPEP) of the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor, PROFECO). For more information, please visit

Changes to Privacy Notice, Legislation and Jurisdiction

Beesbeez reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice by posting a notice on our website at

You will have the right to cancel your Personal Data or limit its use and disclosure in the event of changes to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice.

This privacy notice is governed by the Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Individuals and Entities (Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares) and other laws and regulations of the United Mexican States. The acceptance of this Privacy Notice implies a written acceptance of the terms of the same and its express submission to the courts of Mexico City, for any controversy or claim derived from this Privacy Notice.

Complaints and denunciations for the unlawful treatment of your Personal Data

If you consider that your right to protection of Personal Data has been harmed by any conduct of our employees or our actions or responses, you presume that in the treatment of your Personal Data there is some breach of the provisions set forth in the Regulations, you may file the corresponding complaint or report with the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (Instituto Nacional de Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales, INAI), for more information visit

I hereby express that I understand and accept the terms of this Privacy Notice, consent to have my sensitive and financial Personal Data treated in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice, and consent to have my Personal Data transferred on the terms set forth in this Privacy Notice.

Date of last update: August 9, 2021

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