Invite your Supplier

  • Add the Payment Terms and Delivery Time.
  • Provide your Supplier’s Information (Company Name and Contact Information)
  • Your Supplier will be notified and must Register on Bizbiz Pay, providing documentation that proves their legal establishment in Mexico, Address and ID.

Close the Deal

  • Confirm Payment Terms, Delivery Time, INCOTERM, Place of Loading and Unloading, Final Destination and Production Time.
  • Define the consequences of not achieving the agreed quality or delivery time
  • Verify the Supplier’s supporting documentation: Spec or Data Sheet, Images of the Product, Packaging and Packing Details, Certificate of Origin and any other required Certificates.

Approve the Transaction

  • Deposit the requested balance in Bank of New York. Both parties must agree on the percentage for the initial and final payment before delivery.
  • Your Supplier is notified once the payment is received and will start processing your order.
  • Deposit the final payment
  • Your funds are protected through Escrow in Banco Monex. The Supplier will not have access to them until all the agreed conditions have been met.

Confirm Receipt and Review of Merchandise

  • Once you have received the merchandise in the selected place of delivery you must review and confirm that all previously agreed conditions have been met.
  • You will have 8 days to confirm receipt when delivery is at your address or 30 days when receiving at a different location (Supplier’s warehouse, border, port, etc.). Upon confirmation, the funds will be released to the Supplier.

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